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    Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign


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    Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Empty Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

    Post by Lobo Tue 10 May 2016, 5:53 pm

    Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

    Jim Hoft May 9th, 2016 4:39 pm 242 Comments

    Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Cruz-hillary-575x369
    That didn’t take long.

    Cruz donor James Simons, who donated over a million dollars to Ted’s failed campaign, has begun pouring millions into Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

    Bush family donors are also donating to Hillary Clinton – the only establishment candidate left in the race.
    The Observer reported:
    Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund founded by billionaire James Simons, donated over $13 million to Sen. Ted Cruz’s failed presidential campaign. For a guy who’s supposed to be pretty smart with his money, the ROI on that one has got to sting. Nevertheless, now that Mr. Cruz is out of the race, Mr. Simons has begun pouring millions of dollars into Hillary Clinton‘s campaign, with Renaissance Technologies donating over $2 million to Ms. Clinton so far this election cycle. Euclidean Capital—also owned by Mr. Simons—has given the Clinton campaign over $7 million in contributions, and such figures are likely to increase as Ms. Clinton slowly transitions her attention from Democratic Primary opponent Bernie Sanders to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.
    Mr. Simons isn’t the only wealthy donor making the move. A number of deep-pocketed elite have given up trying to buy off Republican politicians in order to support Ms. Clinton—the only establishment-friendly candidate of either party remaining in the race. In response, the Clinton campaign has assembled a group dubbed “Republicans for Hillary” to reach wealthy GOP donors. Ms Clinton not only shares over 60 of the same donors with the former Republican candidate Jeb Bush but is also making new efforts to court additional Bush family donors, according to a recent Politico report
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    Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Empty Re: Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

    Post by fonz1951 Tue 10 May 2016, 6:31 pm

    now that's laughable. these morons would rather support a democrat, one as screwed up as hitlary, rather than support their own party. damn, these guys are dumb!

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    Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Empty Re: Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

    Post by wciappetta Tue 10 May 2016, 9:06 pm

    That's the pieces of shipe that they's  not conservative so all that talk was a rouse to the sheeple oh and lets not forget the relationship the Bushes and Clintons have....

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    Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Empty Re: Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

    Post by Screwball Tue 10 May 2016, 9:09 pm

    They are supporting nothing but pre evil....she is doom and gloom for your country!

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