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    Abadi office issued a clarification on an interview the Prime Minister for the trial of al-Jubouri

    Admin Assist
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     Abadi office issued a clarification on an interview the Prime Minister for the trial of al-Jubouri Empty Abadi office issued a clarification on an interview the Prime Minister for the trial of al-Jubouri

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 Aug 2016, 4:16 am

    [size=30]Abadi office issued a clarification on an interview the Prime Minister for the trial of al-Jubouri[/size]
    17/08/2016 09:30 | Number of Views: 1499
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    Direction Press / follow-up 
    Issued the Information Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Wednesday, Explanatory Statement regarding the recent talk about the trial of parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri, during a press conference yesterday, noting that al-Abadi stressed respect for the judiciary and its decisions and "full commitment" to the principle of the separation of powers provided for under the constitution.
    Ebadi said the Office in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it, "a reference to what was raised about the answer the Prime Minister journalist Bmatmrh which was held yesterday, at a reporter's question about the position of the judicial verdict in the case against Speaker of the House, we would like to make it clear The answer included the confirmation of the unequivocal respect for the judiciary and its decisions and non-interference by the executive decisions of the judiciary. "
    He added that al-Abadi, "emphasized the full commitment to the principle of the separation of powers provided for under the constitution, and the need to cooperate with each other to fight corruption and serve the public interest and can not in any way making any direction from the executive branch to the judiciary in the case mentioned or other and everything included in the terms of reference exclusive to eliminate. "
    Abadi was expressed during a press conference in Baghdad, on Tuesday, was surprised at the speed of a decision in the case of House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri on accusations made by his Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi.
    As also shown Jubouri, yesterday, surprised at the "interference" of Prime Minister in the affairs of the judiciary, and called on officials in the executive branch to the "interest of their duties and not to interfere in the legislative and judicial branches of both institutions."

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