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    NASA monitors Qayyarah fields and fires burned like them to Saddam wells of Kuwait

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    NASA monitors Qayyarah fields and fires burned like them to Saddam wells of Kuwait Empty NASA monitors Qayyarah fields and fires burned like them to Saddam wells of Kuwait

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Sep 2016, 3:51 am

    [size=37]NASA monitors Qayyarah fields and fires burned like them to Saddam wells of Kuwait[/size]

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News
    Revealed the US space agency, NASA NASA, Saturday, monitored the first moments of the fires Qayyarah oil field, south of the city of Mosul, the middle of last June, indicating that the scene was similar to the Kuwaiti oil fires during the second Gulf War.
    She said NASA in a report posted on its website that "Artificial its satellite Landsat - 8, (Landsat 8 Satellite) ground monitoring has documented the first moments of the outbreak of fire in the hand Qayyarah and smoke billowed including columns fields in (the 14th of June 2016)," noting that "fire was continuously sent its smoke columns into the atmosphere by about restores memory photo fires more than 700 oil field, Kuwaiti, Iraqi forces stoking during the second Gulf war in the nineties of the last century", in reference to the occupation of Saddam Hussein's regime of Kuwait in 1990.
    She added that the "Land Sat -8 picked up in (17 August 2016), an image of the site where the smoke columns dense show," noting that "the fire was caused by different sources of fuel, mostly from Qayyarah oil field wells, and other images appear columns of smoke in different directions with the change of wind direction and intensity are also different, since the monitor for the first time. "
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