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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    What should not be forgotten that the National Alliance, a project for a political settlement

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    What should not be forgotten that the National Alliance, a project for a political settlement Empty What should not be forgotten that the National Alliance, a project for a political settlement

    Post by Rocky Sat Nov 05, 2016 3:42 am

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    What should not be forgotten that the National Alliance, a project for a political settlement

     D.valh Hamrani 

    He hesitated in recent media leaks about the National Alliance , which includes ranks currents and Shi'ite parties intend to launch a national initiative for a political settlement andindeed historic, aimed at promoting national reconciliation and unifying the ranks of the Iraqi people in order torestore the nation and the unity of its people and to avoid divisions nationalism and religious and sectarian deadly and defections, and to reassure all components of Iraqi society, especially the most vulnerable and uncertainties sons of Sunni Arabs and Kurds. 
    and by the way can not but welcome and praise for window political force efforts National Kalthalv search for ways of national reconciliation and cohesion of the Iraqi society, without a doubt it 's bottom - up step in thepolitical consciousness of the currents of the coalition, and should she was sloshed controversy and debate difficult and perhaps realize that the role of the Shiite political component recede if considering the practices and beliefs are no longer overcome the temptations of power and influence and steal money, and therefore the need to find a compromise between all currents and parties affiliated to the social, political , and other components. And of course we can not doubt the patriotism of the national components of the alliance and its insistence on securing rights of citizens regardless of their religious affiliation or national, and absorbed thelessons of the history of modern Iraq , which demonstrated that the singling out of state power (religious, sectarian and nationalist) to power a risky deadly of all, leads to strife and infighting, the result is a scene inwhich we see today in Iraqna wounded, and that it is effective today search for a common denominator, provides justice and secures the rights of citizens depend on precise and clear laws on this matter. 
    it is supposed to take any initiative of the National alliance to overcome the difficulties and serious situation faced by our country into account, the lessons and experience of our national history outline, and most importantly of all, the period since 2003 and every objective observer and even ordinary citizens who participated in the demonstrations and protest meetings, will assure us that it was a failed experiment par excellence. In all its aspects. Because it did not meet the minimum goals he sought , but the Iraqi society and the strength in the post - dictatorship abhorrent benefits. Split Iraqi society has continued and did not exploit the country 's wealth for the benefit of the citizen. And the economy collapsed. The continued reliance on oil imports and crushed agriculture and other facilities of the economy. He invested religion, but doctrine to mislead the masses, and the focus was on formal religious ceremony. The continued division of positions between the dominant power blocs, without taking into account the professional quality and level the literal to the employee, which called the policy of "quota system", including the in the framework hiring of do not qualify for them in the national security and sensitive devices for maintenance of the state, such as theMinistry of Foreign diplomatic missions ( I personally interviewed, including individuals are really ignorant and illiterate , representing Iraq in developed countries, the professions unrelated never diplomacy (Barber, a veterinarian, mystic ... etc), security and the economy. we must be aware and recognize the depth and theresponsibility of all of it. What is important now is The following option: move to build a country called Iraq, or undo it. The referral get by to researchers about money and enriched the Sacred, domination, Astgaba simple people. to resolve the matter seriously: Are you already planning to build an entity state or Shiite, Sunni cantons and Yazidi ... etc. from here actually determined by future programs, regardless of on who will put it. We need a national project in general, play in his first religious events all without detracting minority ofrepresentatives. and begin the historic reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites forget the differences that were caused (It is too premature), and secondly Post all political parties and currents, and seeking the opinion of the Iraqi street, in urban and rural areas without sectarian / religious slogan. The takeover of one -component , even if he is a higher percentage of the population will not lead to national and social peace never, because I have all interests ingredients and feelings. 
    What should be the Aensah any project of national accord in Iraq is inevitable to isolate religion from politics.History of the world have proved that human tarnished the concept of religion, so it turned into a factor of division and dissent and professionalism (of no faith and religion is a personal matter, man unit himself responsible to the Lord and not intercede for him. To convince him the most recognition of the importance offaith without forcing "No force in religion . " ). Iraqi society realized clearly, and proved Baanjajtah that there are those who "stole" the debt to steal the community and in his name for the privileges and influence, power, and deprived citizens of the oil revenue gains account, and did not get a wage offer him a decent life and medical services, educational or build housing .. . 
    History teaches us that the transition to a qualitatively new social status are not taken by what he calls thesons of the Arab Gulf states , "Boss beards." But by social and economic changes deep upgrading to new relationships and traffic phase of the industrial revolution and technological and belonging new to our time and the use of its achievements, to shape society is not based on tribal as it is now, but on the slide, classes andsocial groups stakeholders without too narrow sectarian affiliation who did not longer fits the times, and that the solutions and the promising prospects will not open up through / sectarian religious elites agreements (Shiite and Sunni ... etc.), but on the ground among the broad masses, and on the basis of the reforms that result in qualitative improvement to the lives of citizens. 
    that also requires preventing the formation of parties on a religious / sectarian basis, and must be based parties on the basis of a national general. Because to keep the parties on the basis of religious / sectarian Iraq exclusively, will provide an opportunity for politicians who gamble on the winning Shiite paper never to thefact that the Shiite component (which politicians succeeded misled) constitutes a majority , and this is what marginalizes other ingredients and makes them feel cheated. You must return to the secular state (atheism) that respects all religions and beliefs, creeds and nationalities. Note that superficial reading of the history ofIraq confirms it, and that the awareness of this fact can be a bridge towards building a prosperous Iraq solves the peace, security and believes in the rights of all its citizens. Is it hears! 
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