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    Oil succeed dim wells near Qayyarah center fires

    Admin Assist
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    Oil succeed dim wells near Qayyarah center fires Empty Oil succeed dim wells near Qayyarah center fires

    Post by Rocky Sat 26 Nov 2016, 2:03 am

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    Oil succeed dim wells near Qayyarah center fires

     translation: Range 

    For months the people of Qayyarah was living under a dark cloud of toxic fumes rising from the oil wells , which burned down by fighters Daesh before fleeing. Recently managed Firefighters oil workers from fires near population centers Fire is restored some order to the town started complaining about government 's delay in extinguishing theflames since the gunmen set fire to oil wells. 
    This is the first step in alleviating social cracks and the bitterness and anger of the people who are in dire need of government services and to reconciliation after the violence that followed the defeat of theextremists. 
    Muhannad says Matar, a shop owner : " The situation is good now, where they were extinguishing most of the burning wells , despite that some still burning, we can now see the sun ten days ago , it was dark Damsa we did not know day from night." 
    He said Assem Jihad , spokesman for the Ministry of Oil was recently extinguishing eight wells close to thehouses, but did not mention the number of wells that are still burning. 
    Work took a lot of time because of security concerns , where the gunmen were firing mortars on the area isalso full of trapping and gathering and unexploded ordnance left behind by the gunmen. 
    Jihad says "acceleration of work since the security situation has improved , but we do not know how long itwill take to accomplish , where fires are still burning in some of the wells in scattered pools of oil." 
    Falling oil drops of toxic clouds on the Qayyarah and left black spots on clothes, crops and even livestock. 
    Last week , the United Nations warned of the toxic fumes , which also comes from the nearby sulfur gas plant which will have a far - reaching impact on the health and safety of people and the environment, where the needs of more than 1,500 people were medically treated for breathing problems. 
    Says Dr. Tayseer cream oncologist from a group called Oasis in France and located in Qayyarah since September to support the only hospital in the region with medicines and doctors and nurses during the crisis, "people usually come to our health center complaining of symptoms such as fever, coughing and breathing problems, diarrhea and asthma. Now that the the main fire, the number of casualties has decreased as an improvement from what it was previously. " 
     for: News Max
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