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    Abadi approaching challenged the amnesty law after parliament's rejection of amendments

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    Abadi approaching challenged the amnesty law after parliament's rejection of amendments Empty Abadi approaching challenged the amnesty law after parliament's rejection of amendments

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2016, 2:01 am

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    Abadi approaching challenged the amnesty law after parliament's rejection of amendments

     Baghdad / Wael blessing 

    It is expected to raise the parliament rejected the government for amendments to the"general amnesty", the freeze on the inclusion of persons accused of crimes of terrorism provisions of the controversial law. 
    And it disrupted the critically acclaimed her Abadi law enforcement partially despite thepassage of three months after the approval.The law provides for its entry into force as soon as the parliamentary vote on it. 

    The resort prime minister, this time, to challenge the law altogether, or the decision of the parliament , who responded by recent amendments. 
    And yet do not look at the judicial committees formed in accordance with the amnesty law , crimes ofterrorism and kidnapping, in limited cases , the release of the limited number of cases is simple and crimes. 
    And rejected the House of Representatives in a hearing last Thursday, amendments to the General Amnesty Law majority. And wait for the passage of the parliament about a month into his copy of the amendments to decide recently presented for discussion. 
    The amendments included an exception from the amnesty provisions kidnapping crimes, it has also developed new mechanisms for re - trial for the defendants in terrorism issues. 
    As stipulated government amendments on some paragraphs considered by some "provocative" Khmol general managers and above from the "document forgers , " the provisions of the amnesty. 
    Government amendment also provides for retroactive force, which was considered by the Legal Committee unconstitutional facilitate appeal to the judiciary. 
    He criticized Prime Minister (General Amnesty Law), after days of approval. He described the parliament additions to its terms as "criminal." Ebadi said that " the government rejects this subject and we will give anamendment to these paragraphs," adding , "we exclude all crimes of abduction from the amnesty, but the House of Representatives charged, that does not result in death or permanent disability." 
    Parliament held an amendment to the crimes of terrorism, which exempted the government version of theamnesty, and its tail requirement not caused death or disability , or the destruction of government property. 
    The Prime Minister said in this regard that "in the event of a terrorist saw a security man wearing anexplosives belt he sacrifices himself for the dismantling of the belt, and in the light of the law would be released, because he was not killed or blow himself up "! 
    The House passed, on 25 August, a general amnesty , which included all those sentenced to death and other penalties except for 13 categories of crimes law. The most prominent excluded from the amnesty cases are terrorist crimes grew by killing or permanent disability, and crimes of human trafficking and all that falls under the title of (captivity) by what is termed when Takfiri terrorist groups. 
    After days of a general amnesty legislation, the Supreme Judicial Council issued clear instructions through mechanisms of implementation of the law. 

    Groups after the release 
    but the lawmaker Kazem Shammari member of the parliamentary legal committee, said the committee set up by the courts "do not look the issues of terrorism and kidnapping", which is the main material that was part ofgovernment amendments. 
    Shammari said, in an interview with the (range) yesterday, said that "situations that have occurred on therelease in accordance with the general amnesty law relating to simple criminal issues such quarrels." 
    And member of the Legal Committee is expected that the courts begin, after the government responded amendments, " the release of the accused issues of terrorism and kidnapping , according to the law." 
    He revealed the Supreme Judicial Council, recently, for the inclusion of more than five thousand accused in two provinces only special amnesty law. The presidency announced the resumption of the court of Babylon for the inclusion of 3900 accused the amnesty law. 
    The head of the appellate judge Haider Jaber, according to the Judicial Council site, " The highest percentage was in the court of inquiry which included Hillah alone in 1343 , accusing pardon , " expected that these numbers will grow during the coming period. 
    Presidency of the resumption of Najaf , the Federal Court also revealed the inclusion in 1523 , accusing thenew law. As well as the law is expected to cover five thousand accused in Basra, and 3 thousand in Maysan. 

    Second chance to Ebadi 
    and is still in front of the prime minister a second chance to achieve the vision of the general amnesty law, despite parliament 's rejection of recent modifications. 
    And reveals the Attorney - Shammari, head of the national parliamentary bloc, for " the possibility of sending Abadi new amendments , but in other materials is that is rejected , " stressing that " the issues of kidnapping and terrorism can not be modified." 
    It can also be used as the prime minister the other option to deal with the law , which rejects, so to go to federal court to challenge all the provisions of the law. 
    But al - Shammari said , "He needs to get a constitutional loophole to challenge them, and we believe that there are no violations of the law." He was in front of the prime minister, after the law was passed, two options to deal with it , either challenged for violating the provisions of the Constitution, or to submit a draft bill to amend the problematic paragraphs, which he did eventually. 
    Conversely speaking MP Ibtisam al- Hilali, a member of the Legal Committee, another option may turn to Prime Minister al - Abadi. 
    Explains Hilali, told the (range) yesterday, saying , "The prime minister can go to parliament to reject theappeal of the amendments made by the Federal Court." 
    Until that time, the parliament would not consider any issue until the new legislative term , which will begin next year. 
    Why rejected the amendments? 
    Attributes member of parliament 's legal committee rejected amendments to the government to "convinced that a good majority of law provisions and does not allow the exit of the terrorists , " pointing out that " thelaw setting requirements for the release, especially in the abduction issues." The government amendments may be excluded in a comprehensive crime of kidnapping law. And it excluded the law in force, in (Article 4 / VI), "kidnappings that grew up in the death of the kidnapped or anonymity destiny events or permanent disability." 
    In turn confirms opposition deputy to the current wording of the amnesty law, the parties which rejected thelaw did not provide justifications. The MP said Mohammed Chihod (range) , "We respect the majority opinion that the government decided to reject the amendments , " but he still Baraly that the law in its current form will facilitate the exit of terrorists. 
    Chihod and talking about that , " the majority of the House of Representatives who voted to reject the law are from the coalition forces and Sadr 's movement."
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