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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Complete 3500 issue of integrity since the beginning of 2016

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Complete 3500 issue of integrity since the beginning of 2016 Empty Complete 3500 issue of integrity since the beginning of 2016

    Post by Rocky Mon 26 Dec 2016, 1:39 am

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    Complete 3500 issue of integrity since the beginning of 2016

     Baghdad / term 

    Revealed the judiciary, yesterday, for moving the 3500 suit in integrity issues since the beginning of 2016, including 18 cases sent by the parliament regarding the corruption in the capital. Said Mohammed Salman, the first judge in the Court of integrity, that " the competent court receive corruption and waste of public money , lawsuits, and follows up on all of them is not being neglected any one of them and there are monthly statistics we publish in the media in this regard." 
    Salman said, in a statement published by the judicial authority site, that " the achievement rates are too high for the Court, have reached about 3,500 cases since the beginning of this year." 
    He pointed judicial officer that "the House of Representatives and by all its members and its committees may move in front of our Court during the current year 18 cases only concerning corruption . " In a related context, Deputy for Maysan called the Integrity Commission audited the disappearance of a large number of grades owed to the province. The MP said Haider Mawla, a member of a coalition of state law, " The ministries accounted for 2988 degrees and careers of government departments and institutions in the province of Maysan, was offset by only 395 degrees, while the rest of the grades do not know the fate of the very moment", adding that "grades above . degrees are deletions of deceased employees, retirees and those who have made or who Asagalathm Anhim functional services and not of the new grades. " He molar, in a statement received (range) a copy of it yesterday, that " the draft general budget for the year Act 2016 stipulates in Article (12) Fourthly that these ratings are for contractors in the same circuit, but that the ministries violated federal budget law , " noting that " ministries took those scores that lifted her did not give circuits in Maysan right in the announced road legal and install retired with her. " 
    The MP for the province of Maysan , "We have supporting evidence that confirms the disappearance of a large number of grades owed to the province , which will be filed with a detailed report of the Integrity Commission, which we hope to decide by to stop Almaڤaat which are humiliating sale of grades and deprive hundreds of graduates who hope their appointment and who went on some of them many years".

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