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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Political Day

    Admin Assist
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    Political Day Empty Political Day

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Feb 2017, 2:06 am

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    Political Day

    Assigned to the owners of expertise to adjust the Baghdad security 

    called on Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, to entrust the owners of security expertise to adjust the security in and around Baghdad, while noting that work is continuing to adjust the arms and prosecution of crime gangs Anizh.oukal Jubouri that " the only solution to control security in and around Baghdad, is assigned owners security expertise in the security file and the involvement of local communities in the army and police . "Said al - Jubouri , " we are still all work on gun control , however , the state and the prosecution of all the subversive groups and organized crime groups and those who abuse the security of citizens and the terrorists and those who advocate Daesh and those who stand behind the people carrying arms to its objectives partisan and personal and sectarian "He stressed Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, the importance of the role of the police and internal security forces in maintaining security and stability in the cities to protect citizens and the preservation of their property. 

    Saudi Arabia is seeking to demonstrate its good will toward Iraq , 

    said the security and defense committee member Majed al - Gharawi, visiting Saudi Foreign Minister to Iraq was " a critical time", adding that Riyadh seeks to demonstrate "good faith." 
    Gharrawi said that " the visit Jubeir was a very critical time , " pointing out that "this state , accused it of supporting terrorism by sending suicide bombers and support them financially." 
    He added that "Saudi Arabia wants to prove its good intentions and the interest of Baghdad and Riyadh that Tzaida of their relations , " noting that " the international and American pressure will have an impact in the next phase . " He Gharwaa that "Iraq 's neighbors realized that terrorism is not determined by the state or a particular doctrine, and that security cooperation is required because Iraq has become possesses expertise in the fight against terrorism. " 

    The Iraqi government is reluctant to impose the law 

    MP and National Security Advisor former Muwaffaq al - Rubaie, the Iraqi government 's "hesitant" in enforcing the law, as he emphasized that Iraq 's need for "tens of receipts horsemen . " He said al - Rubaie , said that " the government is reluctant to impose law and the authority of the state on the street," noting that "the commander in chief of the armed forces issued a decree granting deadline for those who have medium and heavy weapons in the capital ten days to be delivered without having to know the details of what after the decision . " he added al - Rubaie that "after the adoption of the popular crowd Act and direct association with General commander of the armed forces, any armed faction carry weapons outside the framework of the state should be treated as an outlaw and work with all legal means to control it , "stressing that " we do not need the Charge of the Knights of one, but dozens of receipts knights on each of breaking the law. " 

    Question Prime Media Commission is not the prerogative of the parliament , 

    MP from the coalition of state law Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, the questioning of the prime CMC Safa al- Din spring includes a "problematic" Qanonaa.oukal Jafar "Prime CMC Safa al- Din spring in the treatment of a journey, and therefore, Interviews conducted in absentia results will be satisfactory to the House of Representatives and makes them subject to appeal to the Federal Court , "noting that" the last rank of director general , a degree is not the prerogative of the House of Representatives, but the Council of Ministers . "He Jaafar, that" the President of the media Commission is currently acting a degree Director General of the class had to be directly by the prime minister without the need for confidence in parliament as well as he did not vote on it in parliament as a proxy, and therefore can not be that the Council withdraw confidence from someone who has not been given to it originally. " 

    Parliament will add Amina Baghdad and a number of Alkhaddmyin Cabinet 

    Committee announced parliamentary services by Sabah al - Tamimi, the parliament plans to host Amina Baghdad anniversary Alloush and a number of ministers Alkhaddmyin in the coming sessions, as pointed out that the Committee discussed the dues Contractors owed by the government and find solutions. 
    Al - Tamimi said that " the Commission has decided to host the curator of the capital Baghdad , the anniversary Alloush and the Minister of Construction and Housing and the Minister of Communications to discuss important matters concerning the work of their ministries." 
    He said al - Tamimi, said : " The Committee also voted to host the Head of Media and Communications Commission in the next House of Representatives sessions , " pointing out that " the Committee discussed the dues Contractors owed by the government and find solutions to them with reference to a number of projects unfinished with a search mechanism to accomplish."

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