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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Mar 2017, 1:53 am

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    In short

    Iraq sues Almtnsalin for premiums 

    announced Rafidain Bank, on Saturday his intention to institute legal proceedings against the Almtlkian and Almtnsalin who did not abide by paying money that discharged, stressing the importance of dealing with transparency and integrity of the citizen by the beneficiary of the bank 's services and commitment to the pledges made to him. 
    Press office of the bank said in a statement that the suits will also be against the circuit that made pledges and signed a commitment to deduct the dues from the bank employees ' salaries under the signed undertakings to the bank. 

    Photo detention of journalist 's body soaked 

    detained province of Diwaniyah police photographer channel "covenant" space colleague Mustafa Faleh two hours after his detention because of his portrayal recover the body from the Euphrates River , the process, according to the defense of freedom of the press association. Assembly sources quoted her as saying, that the photojournalist was detained after a complaint lodged by one of the participants against the police operation recovered the body, due to his unwillingness to appear the TV. 
    And colleague Faleh was released after the intervention of channel management and covenant relates to the provincial council, which in turn held intensive contacts with the detained photographer where the police station. 

    19 000 Weathered care network 

    announced that the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the discovery of 19 thousand and 755 , surpassing the social protection network program during 2016. 
    The Inspectorate of Labour and Social Affairs, said he was " the discovery of 19 thousand and 755 , surpassing the social protection network and soft loans and retirement and social security program workers for the year 2016 ". 
    She said she " was able to recover more than 12 billion dinars in addition to include approximately 200 billion dinars as a result of investigations conducted by the office." 

    Sulaimaniyah: yawing plane suspend flights 

    announced Sulaymaniyah International Airport, the suspension of air trips temporarily, after a deflection Jordanian Airways plane off course several meters during the landing at the airport. 
    According to airport director Taher Abdullah, he said that "Royal Jordanian Airlines plane veered off a few meters from the track during the landing at Sulaimaniya airport on Saturday, which led to the airspace of the airport closing temporarily." 
    Abdullah said, " The incident did not result in any material damage or physical."

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