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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Ration card ironies

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272698
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ration card ironies Empty Ration card ironies

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 Mar 2017, 2:34 am

    Ration card ironies

    3/23/2017 0:00

    Thamer Alheims
    complaining Commerce Department continuously than double the allocation for the ration card, especially securing the import of wheat, which is the essence of the ration card and security icon
    This is what we saw during the last period through many complaints even during the oil windfall or later because of a decline in the quality of its components or the scarcity of funding in Ootokhr access to or delay in the transport of
    The Ministry of Commerce says it is equipped with components of the card for 37 million Iraqis.
    Since it is our poverty rate of 30 percent on less than two dollars a day per person according to the social welfare program must identify the target and reach him
    This segment of population (nine million Iraqis) are the central goal and that the cost of the card , including elements not exceeding twenty thousand Iraqi dinars The family who are out of this slide acted monthly at least three or four Kartat Mobile prices fifty
    The cost of power lines across the civil generated an average of at least fifty thousand
    So it not possible that these be Aktrmen ten million Iraqis and withheld from them if the card materials amounting to less than twenty thousand dinars does not make an impact as an important slice leave him in the poor's rise to 9
    million Iraqis.
    But how do we define the millions who are these ten or fifteen who Aatotheron lifting the card for
    So that the Ministry of Commerce information collection , there are families all of whom are working in the country since jumped figure (900 000 employees by 2003 to 4.5 million
    (It is the blink of an overall employment or salaries of all, when I asked one of them on the conditions of the house so and so advised me mocking everyone working
    so it has to be structured and governance after selecting the target population the right to repay the research steps and accounted carefully so as not to repeat the welfare errors (of the non - entitlement to the
    to re - divide the allocation fairness and reasonableness to restore the previous elements of the card as milk children or other and stop Tzmrat and complaints Sdatna where limited qualitative work after reducing Atralh of financial allocation to the agent

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