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    15 investment opportunities in tourist resorts including Chabaish floating restaurants

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    15 investment opportunities in tourist resorts including Chabaish floating restaurants Empty 15 investment opportunities in tourist resorts including Chabaish floating restaurants

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Apr 2017, 1:42 am

    15 investment opportunities in tourist resorts including Chabaish floating restaurants

     Dhi Qar / Hussein factor

    Revealed spend Chabaish adjacent to the marshes of Nasiriyah administration, about 15 investment opportunities for the development of the tourism sector in the marsh areas, and pointed out that the projects mentioned, if implemented , would be required for tourist services provides within a time limit standing in one year, while confirming that a number of local businessmen showed their desire to invest in the tourism sector after they witnessed the size of the large turnout of tourists.
    The marshes of Nasiriyah , which covers an area of one million and 48 thousand acres and constitute a fifth of Dhi Qar province , an area of integrated nature of the archaeological and environmental unique and left untouched by nature reserves and water flats and forests reeds and papyrus tourist environment, as it can attract thousands of tourists from across the globe, in the event of availability tourism infrastructure entertainment complexes such as hotels and tourist resorts.
    The United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), agreed Sunday (July 17 of the current 2016), the annexation of the marshes and archaeological areas where, to the World Heritage list after all members vote for approval.
    Under UNESCO 's decision, the marshes and archaeological sites that have been included on the World Heritage list is Ur and Eridu and Hur ass and Hovaiza Central and marshes in Dhi Qar, Maysan, Muthanna in Warka, and Hur eastern ass in Basra.
    Said Mayor spend Chabaish, Badi Alckheon in an interview (range), " The Elimination Chabaish administration prepared in coordination with the Investment Authority Dhi Qar plan to put up a business and investment companies to develop the tourism sector in the marshlands of 15 investment projects , " pointing out that "among proposed projects and the establishment of facilities and tourist resorts , floating restaurants , water games and break stations for tourists hotel projects, in addition to the plan include projects belonging to the departments of the Municipality of Chabaish and water resources. "
    He added Alckheon, that "investment opportunities in the district Chabaish increasing dramatically," he said . "We have seen turnout by investment companies and businessmen to employ their abilities and their money in investment projects in the tourism sector , which took the rebound after the accession of the marshes of the World Heritage List."
    He revealed Alckheon for "project to create a tourist village in the marshes on 214 dunums and other projects space areas, currently before investment opportunities by Thi-Qar Investment Authority , " stressing " the importance of investment in the development of tourism infrastructure and the promotion of tourism services in the province."
    He Alckheon, that "tourism in the marsh areas related to tourism archaeological This requires tourism projects at the county level and not in the district Chabaish only , " noting that " a number of businessmen and local expressed their desire to invest in the tourism sector in the marsh areas after they witnessed the size of turnout of tourists. "
    However , Mayor spend Chabaish, saying that " the implementation of the proposed would investment projects to provide the required services within a time limit standing in one year, especially Dhi Qar province has recently witnessed the opening of Nasiriyah airport , which would facilitate the movement of tourists coming to the province , " noting "what is facing investors desire to invest, it is the constraints arising from administrative red tape in the granting of official approvals for investment licenses." Pointing out that those approvals relate to nine government departments.
    Abizaid and Mayor Chabaish, that " the approval of the tourist village for example procedures, it took more than eight months, has not been completed so far , although he personally took a review of the relevant departments for the purpose of accelerating its completion , " noting that "spend Chabaish administration approached the governor of Dhi Qar Yahya Nazareth, on facilitating administrative procedures for investors and suggested that the approvals of the relevant departments resolved within a period of one week is scheduled to hold a meeting soon to discuss this proposal with the concerned authorities. "

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