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    Saco discusses the situation of Christians in Iraq with Vice Trump

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Saco discusses the situation of Christians in Iraq with Vice Trump Empty Saco discusses the situation of Christians in Iraq with Vice Trump

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 May 2017, 1:40 am

    Saco discusses the situation of Christians in Iraq with Vice Trump

     Kirkuk / Range

    Search the Chaldean Patriarch in Iraq and the world , Luis Rafael Sacco, with US Vice President Michael Pence, the situation of Christians and the reconstruction of their cities destroyed to enable displaced people to return to their areas in Iraq and Syria.
    Said Sacco in a statement received (range), a copy of it, "A delegation excommunicated a high - level met at the White House with Vice President of the United States of America Michael Pence and his aides , " noting that he "was talking about the general situation in Iraq, Syria , and the follow - up to the Christian component of the rights and the achievement of reconciliation and to provide security and ensure full citizenship for all. "
    He added Saco, that " the delegation also discussed the fight against extremism and terrorism in all its forms, and the reconstruction of what was destroyed to enable displaced people to return to their homes and compensation for what they lost , " asserting that " the US vice president was responsive to what has been raised and discussed thoroughly." He continued, " The delegation also met with members of the US Congress special envoy of US President to Iraq and Syria Brett Macgork, and also meetings with officials of the US foreign humanitarian organizations and discussed with them the post Daesh especially durable solutions and provide security and stability and the situation of minorities in Iraq , " pointing that "all of whom we met have expressed their responses with the proposals of the delegation to do something positive for the people of the region."

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