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    Defense Minister apologizes for considering elements Daesh "prisoners of war"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Defense Minister apologizes for considering elements Daesh "prisoners of war" Empty Defense Minister apologizes for considering elements Daesh "prisoners of war"

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Jul 2017, 1:45 am

    Defense Minister apologizes for considering elements Daesh "prisoners of war"

     Baghdad / term

    Defense Minister Irfan Mahmood Hayali, said in a statement received (range) a copy of it, "I apologize to the Iraqi people for the confusion that got my free for the treatment of prisoners Daesh terrorist gangs of prisoners of war." Hayali said , "I did not mean the literal meaning of the term, because Aldoaash murderers and criminals who are a terrorist organization with the terms of the United Nations and the agreements do not apply , but are treated in accordance with the Iraqi laws in force."
    However , the defense minister , saying his words "but it was my intention to deal in accordance with the law and not be a reaction to our actions Agramhm away from military law and morality, so Mtosin the morals of the Holy Prophet and his family honored."
    The Hayali said in an interview, about the prisoners of the terrorist gangs Daesh as "prisoners of war".
    The MP Haitham al - Jubouri, head of competencies affiliated to the National Alliance, has warned the launch of the term "prisoner of war" on the elements of the organization Daesh.
    The MP said Jubouri, in a statement to his office, said that " the term began trading a prisoner of war by some leaders and politicians on who arrested him from Aldoaash and this label launches the prisoners of war between the two states and not between the terrorists and killers."
    He added Jubouri that "this is very dangerous and must pay attention to him and stand against him because of the killing of our sons and enchant our women and desecrated our land and destroyed our monuments and the slaughter of our children can not be treated as a prisoner."

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