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    French initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    French initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis Empty French initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis

    Post by Rocky Tue 19 Sep 2017, 4:34 am

    French initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis

    French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drein expressed his intention to hold a meeting next Thursday with the permanent members of the Security Council to urge them to establish a contact group to help end the Syrian conflict.
    "We have to get rid of methods that have not helped us find a solution since 2011. That is why we want to establish a contact group based on the Security Council member states and regional parties affected by the situation to end the nearly seven-year-old conflict," Lordian told a news conference in New York.
    "The biggest danger is that the military positions will determine the future of Syria, which will have two consequences, first of which is the division of the state and the second to give an opportunity for new forms of extremism to replace an oppressive organization," Lorian said.
    The UN Security Council has adopted a roadmap for political transition in Syria, but the latest French proposal aims at agreeing the five permanent members of the council - Britain, China, Russia and the United States - on the nature of the next steps.
    President Emmanuel Makron's election victory helped Paris reassess its policy towards Syria. France is a major supporter of the Syrian opposition and the second largest contributor to the US-led coalition against the Da'ash organization.

      Current date/time is Thu 05 Dec 2024, 1:19 pm