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    Al-Abbadi office clarifies the fact of the agreement with Kurdistan regarding the crossings and airp

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Abbadi office clarifies the fact of the agreement with Kurdistan regarding the crossings and airp Empty Al-Abbadi office clarifies the fact of the agreement with Kurdistan regarding the crossings and airp

    Post by Rocky Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:41 am

    Al-Abbadi office clarifies the fact of the agreement with Kurdistan regarding the crossings and airports
    January 18 2018 01:31 p
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    [rtl][rtl]Haidar Abadi[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    Iraq news
    Announced the spokesman for Prime Minister Saad al-Hadithi, the Prime Minister Haider Abadi, in the formation of a higher committee from Baghdad to discuss outstanding issues with the Kurdistan Regional Government.
    Al-Hadithi said in a press statement that "the visit of the technical delegation headed by the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Mahdi al-Alaq to Kurdistan, came against the background of a previous visit to a delegation from the region headed by the Minister of Interior of Kurdistan."
    Al-Hadithi said that "the delegation held several meetings on borders and security and management, and the file of airports and issues related to the oil file and issues of water dams," noting that "the two sides put recommendations to resolve and end these files and find a joint working formula between the government of Baghdad and Erbil include several things have been agreed upon" .
    Al-Hadithi said that "one of these agreements is the compatibility with the provisions of the Constitution relating to these files and ensure the implementation of the sovereign powers of the federal government on its territory, including Kurdistan."
    He explained that "the administration of these files should be under the supervision of the federal government, according to the provisions of the Constitution, either at the technical level, the presence of staff in response is necessary and important," stressing that "it was agreed on these matters, but not yet decided."
    The Supreme State Committee to conduct a comprehensive review of outstanding issues with the Kurdistan Regional Government has revealed, on Monday, the results of its meeting with representatives of the province in the province of Erbil, while pointing to the issuance of a number of recommendations. 
    A statement by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers that "the Supreme Committee, which directed the Prime Minister Haider Abadi, formed by the Secretary-General of the Council held its second meeting in Erbil on Monday with representatives of the territorial government headed by the Minister of Interior Karim Sinjari."
    The statement of the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers confirmed at the beginning of the meeting, "the Prime Minister keen to examine the outstanding issues in a constructive manner and under the constants of the Iraqi constitution and federal laws," noting that "the Minister of Interior of the region expressed the hope to reach solutions to all issues on the agenda the meeting".
    "Five bilateral meetings have been held between specialists in security and border areas, airports, customs, border crossings, dams and oil," the statement said.
    The statement pointed out that "the meetings were dominated by an atmosphere of trust and understanding and ended with the drafting of the minutes of each of the axes mentioned," noting that "it included a number of recommendations will be filed under the order of Diwani No. 137 of 2017, which formed the High Committee with the continuation of the difference Which has not completed its tasks by working and to submit subsequent reports. "
    The government sources in Kurdistan, reported earlier that the delegation of Baghdad, which is visiting Erbil, agreed in principle with the Ministry of Transport and Communications in the territorial government to lift the international ban on Erbil and Sulaymaniyah airports.
    The Directorate of Erbil International Airport, Monday, near the resumption of international flights, at the airports of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, after a ban lasted for more than three months. The federal government has taken a series of punitive measures against the Kurdistan region, against the background of the last referendum on the separation from Iraq 25 September 2017.
    Baghdad recovered from the Peshmerga forces all the disputed areas with Erbil, especially the oil-rich province of Kirkuk and areas in Nineveh province on the border with Turkey.

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