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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Turkish delegation in Baghdad tomorrow to discuss the developments of the Syrian border near Mosul

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Turkish delegation in Baghdad tomorrow to discuss the developments of the Syrian border near Mosul Empty Turkish delegation in Baghdad tomorrow to discuss the developments of the Syrian border near Mosul

    Post by Rocky Sat 20 Jan 2018, 3:08 am

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    Turkish delegation in Baghdad tomorrow to discuss the developments of the Syrian border near Mosul

    A delegation of Turkish visit Baghdad on Sunday, to discuss several files, most notably developments on the northern Syrian border of Iraq from the province of Nineveh.
    A government source said that a significant convergence in sensitive files between Baghdad and Ankara, such as the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  and the file of support for the International Alliance of Syrian Kurdish units on the border.
    He pointed out that "the Turks have pledged to withdraw all their forces from Baasika if Baghdad is guaranteed to have the Labor Party out of its territory, but so far there are thousands of Labor Party members in Sinjar, Sanunu, the villages of South Baaj and the northern towns of Sinjar and other areas between Nineveh, Dahuk and Erbil in the so-called "The information indicates that the PKK fighters have turned the area of ​​more than 17,000 km into a base from which attacks on the Turkish army and Turkish border cities adjacent to Iraq."
    Baghdad and Ankara share the same concerns about the presence of Kurdish rebels in the vicinity of them and this is a concern, especially as there are signs of the Kurdish units hold previous agreements with the organization sometimes advocated in Deir Ezzor and Al-Raqqa, "pointing out that" what brings together the Turks and Iraqis are more than Things that divide them. "
    The source explained that "Turkish officials told Baghdad that their presence is self-defense," likely to target Ankara sites of "PKK" inside Iraq at any time because of monitoring the growing activity of the party in the border areas near Vishkhabur and Sinjar and villages south of the Baaj.

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