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    Dahlaki: Abadi sends draft "amended budget" to Parliament

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Dahlaki: Abadi sends draft "amended budget" to Parliament Empty Dahlaki: Abadi sends draft "amended budget" to Parliament

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Feb 2018, 3:27 am

    Dahlaki: Abadi sends draft "amended budget" to Parliament
    February 08 2018 11:40 p
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    [rtl][rtl]Raad al-Dahlaki, leader of the Arab parliamentary bloc,[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    The deputy of the Union of Forces Raad Dahlaki, on Thursday, the sending of Prime Minister Haider Abadi draft "modified budget" to the House of Representatives, noting that Abadi promised to resolve all the problems between the government and political blocs equally. 

    He said Dahalki said in a statement that "the government sent today an amended draft of the budget law for the year 2017 to the House of Representatives," noting that "the political blocs will evaluate the draft during the coming hours and looked at the most prominent amendments by the government on the revised draft." 

    Al-Dahlaki added that "the meeting of the Union of Forces with Prime Minister Haider Abadi was very positive as he promised Abadi to increase the allocations of liberated provinces and work to return the displaced to their areas and resolve all the problems with the political blocs objecting," stressing that "we are waiting for the implementation of those promises to legal legislation."

    The head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan MP Arieh Abdullah revealed in a statement on Wednesday, the existence of government pressure to pass the budget in its current form.


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