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    Ankara: Any military solution in Syria is illegal

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ankara: Any military solution in Syria is illegal Empty Ankara: Any military solution in Syria is illegal

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 Apr 2018, 2:43 am

    Ankara: Any military solution in Syria is illegal 5ae4832295a5971d028b45ae-660x330

    Ankara: Any military solution in Syria is illegal

    Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Gawishoglu confirmed his country's adherence to a political solution to the Syrian crisis, pointing out that any military solution in Syria would be illegal and unsustainable.
    In a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov and Iran's Mohammad Javad Zarif in Moscow on Saturday, Gawishoglu said the three countries who are guarantors of the Astana settlement process - Turkey, Russia and Iran - are interested in normalizing the situation in Syria. Will not succeed.
    Regarding the work within the framework of Astana, the Turkish minister stressed the need to preserve the formula of Astana, expressing his country's rejection of attempts to isolate it as the only initiative effective in the course of the Syrian settlement.
    As Gawishğlu stressed, Turkey will continue to work through the Sochi Conference, noting that it has given new impetus to the Geneva process.
    The Turkish minister called on the United States to stop supporting the Kurdish People's Democratic Party and the Democratic Union Party in Syria. "We want the Americans to abide by their promises and help return the territories that are still subject to terrorist organizations to the civilian population," he said.
    "The main task in Syria is to combat terrorism," said Jawishoglu. "But it is necessary to pinpoint who terrorists are before they are liquidated to avoid civilian casualties during operations, especially in Idlib, where terrorists from other regions live" side by side with civilians. " 

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