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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

4 posters

    His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th

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    His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th Empty His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Feb 2014, 4:44 am

    His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all their money has to enter into a currency auction


    Iraqi observer - particularly
    Raise some policies CBI, Astiaouat and several questions to the experts and observers of the economic field of such a policy to delete the zeros and slow in some banking transactions and not to introduce technology adequately but raised questions in the last term is the central bank's decision to compel banks deposit all their money in the Central Bank as a condition to enter the currency auction, and in this level accused member of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary MP Aziz Shareef al-Mayahi, the central bank to take measures intended to demolish the domestic economy, warning of calling the province Abdul Basit Turki of the Parliament in the event of the continuation of that policy suspicious. Mayahi said: "We warned earlier of the danger of central bank's decision to compel banks deposit all their money in the Central Bank as a condition for entry into the auction to buy the currency began where the outcome of this decision is reflected clearly on the rise in the dollar exchange rate suspiciously." He added: "The central bank did not provide any justification logic of this resolution equivalent to the damage experienced by the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and this is reflected heavily on the local market, traders and banks work alike and will impact in the event of continuing this policy in the near term food on the citizen." And between Mayahi: "The central bank's decision this either he is not thoughtful or aims to hit the local currency market to serve the parties benefiting we do not know all of this in its entirety enter the door of the destruction of the economy," noting that "to insist on this approach destructive force us certainly to the wire every legal means to put an end to it, including a request for the presidency of the parliament in order to call the governor of the central bank to present a defense and justifications of what is happening. "
    This is his part, Director of the Central Bank of Iraq Abdul-Basit Turki insist on continuing the implementation of the instructions bank deposit of private banks and the eligibility of its assets in the bank as a condition for their contribution to the auction sale of the currency came at a meeting of Turkish with department managers in the bank to discuss the implications of the decision to collect coin banks in the budget requirement the contribution of these banks in the currency auction.
    Banking experts have confirmed that the decisions of the Turkish non-studied may confound the Iraqi market at a time are in dire need of stability, stating that Turkey is acting in the affairs of the Central Bank and errands serious charge where what can be called Banakad in the interest of the country and asked him to reconsider this decision, stressing that the withdrawal of funds banks and stockpiling at the Central Bank has been deprived of these banks from taking advantage of its funds in the stock sale, purchase and trade deals the Iraqi economy desperately needed, pointing out that this decision also cause compromises and attractive offers between banks and the owners of liquid funds supposedly directed to the trade and import of materials and goods, which led to deposit in banks to buy foreign currency as the supply to 1,200 sales compared to about 1235 in the sense that the Bank's operations in the rest of increasing the size of the brokers, not reduce it.
    The experts concluded at the end of their talk that the central bank if it wants control over the private banks for fear of embezzled funds depositors where and smuggled out of the country there are several ways, including tightening control over financial owners of private banks or recruit staff certified by the bank in these banks in order to monitor the work Do not be stepping Bank such a move is studied, which would destroy the country's economy.
    It is worth mentioning that the Cabinet had been accused of violating the Central Bank instructions regarding how to deal with private banks in the case of the Warka Bank under which the central bank since 2012 and practiced guardianship. Prompting the latter to raise the trusteeship imposed on the bank.

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    His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th Empty Re: His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th

    Post by wciappetta Sun 23 Feb 2014, 9:05 am

    The beating of the drum to remove Turki from his office...... soon he will be gone....

    I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. -Psalms 27:13-14
    Interacting Investor
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    His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th Empty Re: His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th

    Post by mochasmom Sun 23 Feb 2014, 3:00 pm

    Then we may get our rv?  Cause I sure am lost as to what the freking hold up is NOW!

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    His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th Empty Re: His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th

    Post by Neno Sun 23 Feb 2014, 5:35 pm

    mochasmom wrote:Then we may get our rv?  Cause I sure am lost as to what the freking hold up is NOW!
    It ain't Turki but, I do agree with wciappetta on the beating of the drum to remove him... ;)

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    His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th Empty Re: His last flop confirms the need to review its decisions .. CBI required banks need to deposit all th

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