The G33 and the Planned Economy of the Future
March 26, 2014
SDR Order Out of Dollar Chaos
By JC Collins
With this post I will go out on a bit of a limb as I express some of my own opinions and personal experiences in regards to past events and the planned economy of the future, as ultimately expressed by the SDR system which we discuss on this site.
It was the evening of September 10th, 2001. A close associate of mine had just called to tell me that his flight was delayed and he was stuck at the airport in Nova Scotia, Canada. Apparently, he said, there had been some sort of attack in New York and certain flights with certain airlines had been cancelled or delayed. But before midnight he was in fact on a plane heading west.
Of course the next morning we all awoke to the well-known and infamous events which someone had expected at least 12 hours before.
A lot has been written about those attacks over the last 13 years. The focus has always been on who was behind the attacks and who knew about it. The media bombarded the masses with the slogan “Attack on America”. Still today, it is referred to as the “Attacks on America.”
For the first time I propose that this event was not in fact an attack on America but an attack on a system. Allow me to explain.
There are many amongst us who recognize the intentional engineering of national identities and their associated patriotic propaganda. From our early school years and into the work force as adults we are conditioned to relate to the world in terms of national boundaries and economic metrics, including currencies and exchange rates, indicators which are of special interest to the readers of this blog.
Nowhere is it every explained or revealed to us about the method of money creation through debt and fractional banking practices. These practices are structured around fiat currencies, the main purpose of which is one of wealth transfers by way of taxation through inflation.
No attention or focus is given to this financial system or its true mechanisms and applications. The astute person can easily discern that the US dollar has in essence been the world currency since 1913. The status of the dollar received a huge injection of liquidity potential in 1944 with the Bretton Woods Agreement. This potential was fully realized in the forthcoming decades and the wars that came with them as the Federal Reserve printed massive amounts of money which was exported around the world to the foreign asset accounts of governments and central banks.
Countries which hadn’t yet succumbed to a central bank structure that could support the dollar inflation system were subjected to economic sanctions and outright war. These countries were decimated through the sanctions and wars with the outcome always being the implementation of a central bank beholden to the Bank for International Settlements and loans from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to cover re-construction costs. Re-construction contracts were mostly awarded to American companies with accounting balanced in American dollars.
Countries that didn’t accept the terms as offered, such as Vietnam, were discarded and prevented from participating in the dollar dominated and denominated economy of the world. This imbalance built a movement of resistance around the world.
Let’s keep in mind the irrelevance of borders and national identities as we plod forward and introduce readers to a group of scientists called JASON. The name JASON is taken from the ancient story of the Golden Fleece which we now recognize as a symbolic telling of the process man must take on his esoteric journey in this world. This is the alchemical mysteries, which is further explained in the post The Failed Alchemical Process of America, where the mortal man is represented as the base metal and must become the immortal man, which is represented by gold. Alchemy is involved with turning base metals into gold. Jason and the Argonauts seeking the Golden Fleece is the symbolic story of man seeking his immortal self.
JASON was established in 1960 by the United States Department of Defense and was controlled indirectly by DARPA and the MITRE Corporation. The mandate of the group was the engineering, design, and development of everything from High Frequency Gravitational Waves to the Human Genome Project. Ask yourself why a group of scientists involved in the development of such technology would name themselves after a symbolic story such as the Golden Fleece.
Like specific international banking interests invested in and supported Nazi Germany and its technology and experiments, so have these same banking interests invested in and support America as the tool to expand and develop the projects which it has carried from empire to empire. The creation of the dollar debt based system was specifically designed and expanded with a much broader intention and purpose than most people will ever realize, or want to realize.
The most intelligent minds on the planet were recruited by JASON and the MITRE Corporation to work on the mandates of DARPA.
It is my contention that JASON slowly and quietly began building a substitution to the dollar based financial system as a method of mutiny and resistance to what they eventually saw as an unsustainable future with a corrupt process.
This substitution system was designed and installed by stealth and was supported by select individuals in positions of authority and influence. The substitute system was on the verge of being fully implemented when the attacks of September 11, 2001 took place.
JASON built their system directly within the structure of the current dollar system as a means of a pre-emptive defensive move to eliminate or lessen the potential of a counter move or outright attack against them.
The new system was integrated within the halls and floors of the World Trade Center.
Factions within the Pentagon were supportive of JASON and funnelled money to support its aims. Do you recall the $2.3 Trillion which was missing from the Pentagon’s budget and announced to the world on September 10, 2001? Did this ever sit well with you? Was this ever fully explained? How does $2.3 trillion go missing and where does it go?
And everyone was so busy trying to find evidence of plane wreckage on the field in Pennsylvania that no one stopped to wonder what was under that field.
Conspiracy theories and investigators of that time period, and since, have discovered more than enough evidence to support the claim that America in fact attacked itself that day. But the conclusions as to why they attacked themselves have been wrong. Does it really make sense that America or its international interests would orchestrate an attack like 911 as a pretext or excuse to invade other countries and secure resources, or expand other markets for the dollar? Of course not, they could have used any number of other excuses to achieve that end.
There was a sense of urgency and panic about that day. The planning was not complete and showed in the obviousness of its staged operational structure. JASON had turned against its masters and its substitute system needed to be stopped and the veins removed. The threat to the dollar system and how the world was controlled was at stake. The consequences of attacking and removing JASON from its hiding places would have to be mitigated after.
A few months after 911 in early 2002, DARPA severed its ties to JASON and all funding was removed. In 2011 JASON apparently received funding once again from the office of Defense Research and Engineering.
Let us analyse this. The 911 attacks were an attempt to stop JASON from fully implementing a substitute financial system to the dollar debt based system. The plan stopped the ascension of a new multilateral system but the banking interests that controlled the dollar system used its weapon America to track down and remove JASON and its supporters from the positions of influence and power it held around the world. The so called War on Terror can be thought of as the bankers campaign to track and remove JASON from around the world.
But JASON prevailed and was not so easily eliminated. The financial crisis of 2008 was in fact another shot at the system by JASON. The dollar system responded by printing and exporting more debt by way of QE, a form of economic weapon that would ensure as much of the world as possible would be awash in dollar debt. This was purely for leverage and negotiating points. Time will tell how well it has worked as QE is reduced and shifted onto other forms of capital assets.
After a decade of wasteful attempts, the international banking interests finally realized that they had to negotiate a settlement and implement a new multilateral system with JASON and its supporting countries and interests.
The first official agreement from this negotiating was the International Monetary Fund’s 2010 Quota and Governance Reforms. Though there are still some objections to this within the American political hierarchy, the inevitability of its full implementation is obvious.
The rest of the world, as represented for now by the G20 countries, is calling for a new multilateral financial system for the 21st century. Does anyone really think that America, a country who was used by the international banking interests to support and expand a worldwide financial system, will be able to do anything but be consolidated within the new system?
JASON, for its part, has negotiated a truce or level of economic balance for the world, but it is still based on the original principles and goals of the group, as defined by the list of projects and mandates which were assigned to it.
Like a Hollywood espionage thriller, which one of us can tell, with any level of certainty, who is on which side and which side is playing for whom?
The metals trading division of the Canadian Bank of Nova Scotia, known as ScotiaMacotta, had its gold stored in the World Trade Center on the day the attacks took place. The gold was recovered and put back into trading. It’s interesting to note that ScotiaMacotta was the first Canadian bank to enter the Shanghai Gold Exchange in 2008. As readers of the series SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods know, the Shanghai Gold Exchange will play a huge role in the new multilateral financial system which is slowly emerging.
Further evidence of the structure of this system was recently published by the Bank for International Settlements as BIS Working Paper – No.444.
In the coming months and years this new centralized SDR system will continue to emerge and the G20 will eventually become the G33. The sovereign debt chaos created by the expansion of the dollar and QE will become the new order of the SDR composition and allocation system. – JC Collins
March 26, 2014
SDR Order Out of Dollar Chaos
By JC Collins
With this post I will go out on a bit of a limb as I express some of my own opinions and personal experiences in regards to past events and the planned economy of the future, as ultimately expressed by the SDR system which we discuss on this site.
It was the evening of September 10th, 2001. A close associate of mine had just called to tell me that his flight was delayed and he was stuck at the airport in Nova Scotia, Canada. Apparently, he said, there had been some sort of attack in New York and certain flights with certain airlines had been cancelled or delayed. But before midnight he was in fact on a plane heading west.
Of course the next morning we all awoke to the well-known and infamous events which someone had expected at least 12 hours before.
A lot has been written about those attacks over the last 13 years. The focus has always been on who was behind the attacks and who knew about it. The media bombarded the masses with the slogan “Attack on America”. Still today, it is referred to as the “Attacks on America.”
For the first time I propose that this event was not in fact an attack on America but an attack on a system. Allow me to explain.
There are many amongst us who recognize the intentional engineering of national identities and their associated patriotic propaganda. From our early school years and into the work force as adults we are conditioned to relate to the world in terms of national boundaries and economic metrics, including currencies and exchange rates, indicators which are of special interest to the readers of this blog.
Nowhere is it every explained or revealed to us about the method of money creation through debt and fractional banking practices. These practices are structured around fiat currencies, the main purpose of which is one of wealth transfers by way of taxation through inflation.
No attention or focus is given to this financial system or its true mechanisms and applications. The astute person can easily discern that the US dollar has in essence been the world currency since 1913. The status of the dollar received a huge injection of liquidity potential in 1944 with the Bretton Woods Agreement. This potential was fully realized in the forthcoming decades and the wars that came with them as the Federal Reserve printed massive amounts of money which was exported around the world to the foreign asset accounts of governments and central banks.
Countries which hadn’t yet succumbed to a central bank structure that could support the dollar inflation system were subjected to economic sanctions and outright war. These countries were decimated through the sanctions and wars with the outcome always being the implementation of a central bank beholden to the Bank for International Settlements and loans from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to cover re-construction costs. Re-construction contracts were mostly awarded to American companies with accounting balanced in American dollars.
Countries that didn’t accept the terms as offered, such as Vietnam, were discarded and prevented from participating in the dollar dominated and denominated economy of the world. This imbalance built a movement of resistance around the world.
Let’s keep in mind the irrelevance of borders and national identities as we plod forward and introduce readers to a group of scientists called JASON. The name JASON is taken from the ancient story of the Golden Fleece which we now recognize as a symbolic telling of the process man must take on his esoteric journey in this world. This is the alchemical mysteries, which is further explained in the post The Failed Alchemical Process of America, where the mortal man is represented as the base metal and must become the immortal man, which is represented by gold. Alchemy is involved with turning base metals into gold. Jason and the Argonauts seeking the Golden Fleece is the symbolic story of man seeking his immortal self.
JASON was established in 1960 by the United States Department of Defense and was controlled indirectly by DARPA and the MITRE Corporation. The mandate of the group was the engineering, design, and development of everything from High Frequency Gravitational Waves to the Human Genome Project. Ask yourself why a group of scientists involved in the development of such technology would name themselves after a symbolic story such as the Golden Fleece.
Like specific international banking interests invested in and supported Nazi Germany and its technology and experiments, so have these same banking interests invested in and support America as the tool to expand and develop the projects which it has carried from empire to empire. The creation of the dollar debt based system was specifically designed and expanded with a much broader intention and purpose than most people will ever realize, or want to realize.
The most intelligent minds on the planet were recruited by JASON and the MITRE Corporation to work on the mandates of DARPA.
It is my contention that JASON slowly and quietly began building a substitution to the dollar based financial system as a method of mutiny and resistance to what they eventually saw as an unsustainable future with a corrupt process.
This substitution system was designed and installed by stealth and was supported by select individuals in positions of authority and influence. The substitute system was on the verge of being fully implemented when the attacks of September 11, 2001 took place.
JASON built their system directly within the structure of the current dollar system as a means of a pre-emptive defensive move to eliminate or lessen the potential of a counter move or outright attack against them.
The new system was integrated within the halls and floors of the World Trade Center.
Factions within the Pentagon were supportive of JASON and funnelled money to support its aims. Do you recall the $2.3 Trillion which was missing from the Pentagon’s budget and announced to the world on September 10, 2001? Did this ever sit well with you? Was this ever fully explained? How does $2.3 trillion go missing and where does it go?
And everyone was so busy trying to find evidence of plane wreckage on the field in Pennsylvania that no one stopped to wonder what was under that field.
Conspiracy theories and investigators of that time period, and since, have discovered more than enough evidence to support the claim that America in fact attacked itself that day. But the conclusions as to why they attacked themselves have been wrong. Does it really make sense that America or its international interests would orchestrate an attack like 911 as a pretext or excuse to invade other countries and secure resources, or expand other markets for the dollar? Of course not, they could have used any number of other excuses to achieve that end.
There was a sense of urgency and panic about that day. The planning was not complete and showed in the obviousness of its staged operational structure. JASON had turned against its masters and its substitute system needed to be stopped and the veins removed. The threat to the dollar system and how the world was controlled was at stake. The consequences of attacking and removing JASON from its hiding places would have to be mitigated after.
A few months after 911 in early 2002, DARPA severed its ties to JASON and all funding was removed. In 2011 JASON apparently received funding once again from the office of Defense Research and Engineering.
Let us analyse this. The 911 attacks were an attempt to stop JASON from fully implementing a substitute financial system to the dollar debt based system. The plan stopped the ascension of a new multilateral system but the banking interests that controlled the dollar system used its weapon America to track down and remove JASON and its supporters from the positions of influence and power it held around the world. The so called War on Terror can be thought of as the bankers campaign to track and remove JASON from around the world.
But JASON prevailed and was not so easily eliminated. The financial crisis of 2008 was in fact another shot at the system by JASON. The dollar system responded by printing and exporting more debt by way of QE, a form of economic weapon that would ensure as much of the world as possible would be awash in dollar debt. This was purely for leverage and negotiating points. Time will tell how well it has worked as QE is reduced and shifted onto other forms of capital assets.
After a decade of wasteful attempts, the international banking interests finally realized that they had to negotiate a settlement and implement a new multilateral system with JASON and its supporting countries and interests.
The first official agreement from this negotiating was the International Monetary Fund’s 2010 Quota and Governance Reforms. Though there are still some objections to this within the American political hierarchy, the inevitability of its full implementation is obvious.
The rest of the world, as represented for now by the G20 countries, is calling for a new multilateral financial system for the 21st century. Does anyone really think that America, a country who was used by the international banking interests to support and expand a worldwide financial system, will be able to do anything but be consolidated within the new system?
JASON, for its part, has negotiated a truce or level of economic balance for the world, but it is still based on the original principles and goals of the group, as defined by the list of projects and mandates which were assigned to it.
Like a Hollywood espionage thriller, which one of us can tell, with any level of certainty, who is on which side and which side is playing for whom?
The metals trading division of the Canadian Bank of Nova Scotia, known as ScotiaMacotta, had its gold stored in the World Trade Center on the day the attacks took place. The gold was recovered and put back into trading. It’s interesting to note that ScotiaMacotta was the first Canadian bank to enter the Shanghai Gold Exchange in 2008. As readers of the series SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods know, the Shanghai Gold Exchange will play a huge role in the new multilateral financial system which is slowly emerging.
Further evidence of the structure of this system was recently published by the Bank for International Settlements as BIS Working Paper – No.444.
In the coming months and years this new centralized SDR system will continue to emerge and the G20 will eventually become the G33. The sovereign debt chaos created by the expansion of the dollar and QE will become the new order of the SDR composition and allocation system. – JC Collins
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