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    Army is making progress in Tal Afar and is expected cleared of insurgents during the coming hours


    Posts : 5315
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Army is making progress in Tal Afar and is expected cleared of insurgents during the coming hours  Empty Army is making progress in Tal Afar and is expected cleared of insurgents during the coming hours

    Post by wciappetta Thu 19 Jun 2014, 8:41 am

    Army is making progress in Tal Afar and is expected cleared of insurgents during the coming hours

     Thu Jun 19 2014 05:16 | (Voice of Iraq) -   Add a comment - Baghdad / term
     Announced that the security forces they developed a plan that includes the completion of the liberation of the city of Tal Afar strategy from the grip of the militants within the next few hours, with forces deployed "Delta" of the fight against terrorism in Baghdad, at a time when the government emphasized the need for a legal contexts in the process of the crowd People's security forces.

     A statement from the military spokesman said that "Operations Command developed a plan provides for the completion of the liberation of the entire district of Tal Afar by dawn on Thursday," the statement did not reveal the identity of the speaker.

     He continued, "At dawn on Wednesday, regained our heroine, large parts of the district of Tal Afar, which attempted terrorist groups affiliated with al Daash terrorize innocent citizens in it."

     He stressed that "large military reinforcements flowed to the judiciary, to provide the momentum necessary military, according to the plan drawn by the Operations Command."

     Gunmen attacked belong to the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Daash) withstood district of Tal Afar, where Iraqi forces despite the fall of most parts of the province of Nineveh.

     The most violent clashes prompted the residents of the city to leave toward the Sinjar district, as the city witnessed fierce battles.

     Seeks gunmen who belong to the organization, "the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" jihadist extremist and other militant organizations, to expand their control over different areas in Iraq.

     The government forces succeeded in repelling the Saturday morning attack by insurgents first before they could enter the Afar what caused them to do a second attack on Sunday night last.

     To that declared the fight against terrorism, on Wednesday, for the deployment of "Delta Iraq" in Baghdad after completing training outside the country to war, the streets, and as shown that these forces to the fight against terrorism began maintenance of the land and the establishment of checkpoints in various areas of the capital, She stressed that there is "airborne troops and the crowds," belonging to a well trained on their way to return to Iraq for viscous in the battles.

     Said the spokesman of the Anti-terrorism Samir Shuwaili in an interview with a number of media, including (range Press), "spread in all regions of the Baghdad elite forces as" Delta Force "of the fight against terrorism reassurance in the street, al-Baghdadi," he said, adding that "this force estimated at two brigades recently returned after receiving training outside of Iraq, and this force competent war streets and cities. "

     He Shuli said that "the enemy depends on the rumor and in all the battles can not confront the forces of the counter-terrorism because they are well trained."  And the spokesman for the Anti-terrorism, that "there is a new crowds on their way to return to Iraq would put them in battles and well trained, as well as paratroopers belonging to a counter-terrorism will finish their course soon."

     In a related context, the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers of Iraq, to adhere to the fundamentalist contexts in operations, "the crowd of national and volunteering to fight terrorism," asking that the security operations across all institutions and official bodies.

     The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords in a statement received, (range Press), a copy of it, he was "a confirmation of what the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Nouri al-Maliki and emphasized by the religious authorities and political obligation to comply contexts fundamentalism in operations crowd the national and volunteering to fight terrorism must to be civil and security operations across all institutions and the competent official authorities. "

     And saw the majority of Iraq's provinces recording thousands of volunteers to fight the organization (Daash) equipped with light and medium weapons, while the majority of them will be sent to fight in Mosul and Salahuddin.  

    Read more: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

      Current date/time is Sun 16 Jun 2024, 12:45 am