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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The 45th US President - Trump and his wife launch an official website

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The 45th US President - Trump and his wife launch an official website Empty The 45th US President - Trump and his wife launch an official website

    Post by Rocky Tue 30 Mar 2021, 8:52 am

    [size=36]The 45th US President - Trump and his wife launch an official website[/size]

    The 45th US President - Trump and his wife launch an official website Upload_1617093971_1622846305

    Follow-up - IQ  
    Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump launched a website aimed at allowing supporters to request their participation in events, send messages, and other services .
    A brief statement from the former president’s office announced (Monday evening) the launch of the “official website of the forty-fifth president of the United States” and stated that the former first spouses “cherish the enduring spirit of the American people” and look forward to “staying in touch .”
    The site 45   is  relatively small and has a page summarizing the time of Trump in the White House as well as to another page where you can send comments to the supporters of former President or request a personal greeting and other ceremonial services .
    "Through this site, President Trump will remain a tireless champion of the toiling men and women of our great country - and for their right to live in safety, dignity, prosperity and peace, " reads the message on the homepage .
    The former president’s efforts to remain in the public eye came after his removal from Twitter and Facebook in the days following the January 6 siege of the Capitol. The companies indicated the need to prevent incitement to further violence .
    Trump set up his official office after the presidency in Florida earlier this year, but has largely remained silent about future plans amid mounting speculation that he may run for the presidency again in 2024 .

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 5:43 pm