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    The White House pledged to help Iraq to form a government partnership

    Admin Assist
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    The White House pledged to help Iraq to form a government partnership Empty The White House pledged to help Iraq to form a government partnership

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Aug 2014, 6:35 am

    The White House pledged to help Iraq to form a government partnership
    04-08-2014 01:33 PM
    Free -

    The newspaper, The Wall Street General in an extensive report conducted with a number of officials at the Pentagon, the U.S. White House Ivker provide more military aid to Iraq without reaching political parties to agree on the formation of the next government. newspaper says in the report that it 'with the United States is still considering options in Iraq and trying to motivate political parties to form a new government there, but it will not take further action in Iraq until the new government is formed. ' The paper quotes a senior official at the Pentagon continuing to review the report by U.S. military advisers who were sent to Iraq to determine the needs and problems Iraqi armed forces, which were US-trained and equipped, but deteriorated in the past. " said Lt. Col. Steve Warren, a spokesman for the Pentagon 'Our focus is on careful analysis and detailed and thoughtful to make a recommendation, while we recognize that we need to do so as soon as possible, but our priority is the process of a comprehensive, detailed and very deliberate. ' As pointed out by General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that 'the formation of a government in Baghdad must be done before the offering and Ashtun aid', adding 'that Daash is a long-term threat to the United States and is not a threat to an emergency' . said 'we are going to prepare a strategy that allows a series of options to be presented to our elected leaders to determine how they can be used to defeat Daash, made ​​the remarks Gen. Dempsey during the forum Aspen security in the state of Colorado. seal Dempsey by saying 'that the United States is ready to help Iraq with a difference consulting to help the Iraqi army and the restoration of land, but only if we get a reliable partner in the next Iraqi government, which should be more inclusive.

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