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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    "Hoal" Kurdish: Washington put pressure on al-Abadi to launch budget of the province if the governme

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    "Hoal" Kurdish: Washington put pressure on al-Abadi to launch budget of the province if the governme Empty "Hoal" Kurdish: Washington put pressure on al-Abadi to launch budget of the province if the governme

    Post by Rocky Sun 31 Aug 2014, 4:47 am

    "Hoal" Kurdish: Washington put pressure on al-Abadi to launch budget of the province if the government formation

    Azad Mohammed
    The newspaper quoted "Hoal" sources described Olaya of the coalition of national forces, which includes Sunni blocs in the Iraqi Council of Representatives that year demanding given the position of President of the Supreme Military Council in Iraq, Iyad Allawi, to ensure their participation in the decisions of military and security services, and some Kurdish parties support this requirement .
    The sources added that this requirement is one of their conditions for participation in the new government, adding that the positions of the coalition blocks non-uniform about the positions of Vice President and Deputy Prime Minister, and that Allawi expressed his willingness to abandon these positions in return for his chairmanship of the Supreme Military Council.
    In a story last newspaper quoted a member of the Kurdish delegation negotiating team in Baghdad as saying that the United States is pressing heavily on Haider Abadi, in order to be called the budget of the Kurdistan region after the formation of the government.
    She said, "Hoal" The National Union bloc in the Parliament of the Kurdistan Region announced that it did not receive a response after the presidency of parliament to amend the constitution regarding the request made by the province two months ago.
    The newspaper quoted Rioas ultra-member bloc as saying that the presidency of the parliament has been able to achieve consensus on the bills of the most controversial laws, namely the Law of the budget of the parties, and the law of the Electoral Commission, so it must be working on introducing a law to amend the Constitution as well.
    Newspaper "howler" wrote that Article 140 is one of the outstanding differences between the delegation of the Kurdistan Alliance and the National Alliance on the formation of the government.
    The newspaper quoted a spokesman for the Kurdish delegation Faryad Roandozi as saying that negotiations are continuing, and there is openness and flexibility, and the Iraqi National Alliance is ready to incorporate the demands of the Kurds in the government's program, but Article 140 has not been agreed upon yet. He added that one of the points Roandozi urgent that must be resolved is the subject of paying salaries to the staff of the province, in addition to the issues of oil and gas, and the Peshmerga, and the disputed areas, and liquefied aviation authorities in the region.
    In a story for another "howler" that a new shipment of the oil region left the port of Ceyhan to the global markets.
    The newspaper quoted unnamed Turkish official as saying that the shipment of 250 000 barrels and thus the province has been issued so far to global markets beyond the eight million barrels.
    The newspaper added that the provincial government began using small tankers instead of giant, which exceed the tonnage of one million barrels, because the style of small export tanker facilitates drainage and sell faster shipment.
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