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    Congress adopts Obama campaign against daash with some reservation

    Admin Assist
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    Congress adopts Obama campaign against daash with some reservation Empty Congress adopts Obama campaign against daash with some reservation

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Sep 2014, 6:58 am

    Congress adopts Obama campaign against daash with some reservation

    Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 10: 14

    M p

    Twilight news, us legislators said they are close to a vote on the war "on us President Barack Obama's campaign to destroy the Organization of the Islamic State, despite widespread support for the plan, but many fear the sucked into a swamp.

    altThe White House wants Congress to approve $ 500 million to train and arm the opposition moderate even address the militants of the Islamic State in a gesture of support for the US administration as it tries to build an international coalition.

    The execution state of the two slaughtered American journalists to the insistence of legislators on the need for greater military action and by Congressional leaders, both Republicans and Democrats expressed support for Obama's plan on Wednesday.

    But some Republicans, most notably demanded more management information on the broader strategy for fighting global terrorism and many prefer a ballot widely rather than concentrating on funding only.

    HAL Rogers said the Chairman of the appropriations Committee in the House of representatives "could some consider this vote war." he had some reservations about providing arms that could fall into the hands of enemies.

    And Rogers, a Republican, said "there are a lot of things but the information that we deal with here."

    Rogers spoke with reporters shortly before the American in Obama's speech last night that he is to step up its campaign against the Islamic State.

    Sen. Republican RAND Paul is usually an isolated wing of the party lead that it would support military action against the Islamic State, but he wants the President to "abide by the Constitution" and calls upon Congressional approval.

    A year ago, u.s. lawmakers retreated from the idea of military strikes to the Government of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad after the alleged use of chemical weapons. And many Obama with an embarrassing political defeat while Democrats joined to the isolated wing of the Republicans in a vote and between the two parties and the refusal of President strikes c objects.

    This time the Democrats consolidated their ranks with Republicans and strongly supported the attack on the Islamic State and the majority of the members of the two parties opposed the idea of sending any American troops on the ground.

    Republican Rep. Luke Messer, "I usually disagree with the President's foreign policy but we must unite as a nation to address the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant", using the old name of the Islamic State.

    Despite the criticism of Republican Tom Cole's handling Obama with risk in Syria expect Cole to get the President to support the bipartisan.

    "We support the Presidents in such situations."

    The Democratic President is making a concerted effort to lobby lawmakers. The day after the speech last night dispatched White House senior management to provide testimony during closed meetings of the Senate and house full of their members on Thursday.

    Sen. Chris Murphy Democrat like Obama prefers to work with partners in the region.

    "I think he made a very compelling case."

    But Murphy expressed reservations about arming and training of the Syrian opposition. "He always questioned our ability to maneuver amid the nuances of very complex civil war into Syria."

    Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats in the House and representing a strong liberal voice in Congress, "there haven't been any desire at all ...A year ago to initiate hostilities other than what is necessary to protect ourselves directly. Now you see (proportions of support in the polls) when the 1970s people say (you must stop the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria

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