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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity: Saad Kambesh committed violations in a hotel purchase contract worth 47 billion dinars

    Admin Assist
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    Integrity: Saad Kambesh committed violations in a hotel purchase contract worth 47 billion dinars Empty Integrity: Saad Kambesh committed violations in a hotel purchase contract worth 47 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Mar 2023, 4:42 am

    Integrity: Saad Kambesh committed violations in a hotel purchase contract worth 47 billion dinars

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    Economy News-Baghdad
    Today, Tuesday, the Federal Integrity Commission announced that the support team of the Supreme Commission for Combating Corruption was able to implement the arrest warrant issued against the "former" head of the Sunni Endowment, accused of committing financial violations and harming public money.
    In a statement, the Commission’s Investigation Department stated that, while talking about the case it had investigated and referred to the judiciary, it stated that the support team of the Supreme Commission for Combating Corruption was able to implement the arrest warrants issued by the Karkh Investigation Court, which is specialized in integrity issues, against the head of the Sunni Endowment Diwan; As a result of the violations committed and financial breaches, including those related to a contract to buy a hotel for 47 billion dinars and lease it to the owner.

    She added that these orders were issued in several cases, including: the exaggeration in the prices for the implementation of the project of iron minarets for mosques throughout Salah al-Din Governorate, and the disbursement of large sums of money to them, which caused the waste of more than (1.5) billion dinars of public money, as well as administrative and financial violations that The contract concluded between the endowment office and a Japanese company was marred. For the purpose of building the Great Mosque of Nineveh in Mosul, with an amount of (42,027,255,000) billion dinars, and charges related to wasting (110) billion Iraqi dinars by buying two real estate with an area of ​​​​(460) dunums for an amount of (57,500,000,000) billion dinars; Although they are located outside the municipal boundaries in a desert land.
    The commission had announced the issuance of several arrest warrants, investigations and travel bans against the head of the Sunni Endowment and a number of its officials. Based on the provisions of Articles (340 and 331) of the Penal Code.
    It is noteworthy that the commission had previously announced in mid-January that the support team of the Supreme Commission for Combating Corruption had been able to implement the arrest warrant issued against a former official in the Sunni Endowment Office, as a result of violations in a hotel purchase contract worth (47) billion dinars.


    Views 12
    Added 03/21/2023 - 12:11 PM
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