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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity: Recruiting a general manager in a contract case worth 32 billion dinars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Integrity: Recruiting a general manager in a contract case worth 32 billion dinars Empty Integrity: Recruiting a general manager in a contract case worth 32 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Jun 2021, 7:17 am

    Integrity: Recruiting a general manager in a contract case worth 32 billion dinars

    •  Time: 06/20/2021 13:19:52
    •  Reading: 1,911 times

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    The Federal Integrity Commission revealed the details of the recruitment order issued against the former general manager of the General Company for Mishraq Sulfur, explaining that it came against the background of signing a contract to establish an electrical station in the amount of 32 billion dinars.
    The investigation department of the authority, and in its discussion of the details of the case that the authority investigated and referred it to the judiciary, reported that the judge of the Nineveh Investigation Court, which is specialized in integrity issues, issued a summons order to the former general manager of the company, against the background of his signing a contract worth (32,000,000,000) billion dinars, to establish an electrical station Contrary to the instructions of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, as well as an exaggeration of the contract value and violations established by the Federal Board of Financial Supervision.
    On the other hand, the department disclosed that the judge of the Nineveh Investigation Court, which is specialized in integrity issues, had issued an arrest warrant against a former member of the provincial council; Based on the provisions of Article (340) of the Penal Code, noting that the matter came due to the loss of the wheel that she owed when she was a member of the provincial council.
    The authority had announced on the seventh of this June that its procedures had led, in a number of important files and cases, to the issuance of (9) warrants and warrants for arrest, seizure and recruitment against officials in various governorates of Iraq, including against a former university president and an official in the Petroleum Products Distribution Company in Nineveh, as this comes In the midst of the apparent escalation in the context of the commission’s work, especially after the commission’s president urged during his field visit to a number of commission investigation directorates and offices across the country.
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