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    British diplomat asserts his country would not send ground troops to Iraq to fight (IS)

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    British diplomat asserts his country would not send ground troops to Iraq to fight (IS) Empty British diplomat asserts his country would not send ground troops to Iraq to fight (IS)

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Sep 2014, 5:27 am

    British diplomat asserts his country would not send ground troops to Iraq to fight (IS)

    Saturday, 20 September, 2014

    BAGHDAD / NINA / The British ambassador in the United States, Peter Westmacott confirmed that his country would not to send ground troops to Iraq to fight the terrorists of the Islamic State.

    He said in a press statement that “UK would not get involved again in a new war to send ground troops to Iraq because, the Great Britain and the United States have provided a lot of blood and money in Iraq.”

    He added that “his country and many countries are trying to deal with the threats of the (IS), and maybe there will be forces, but the point of view that we all believe is that we need to support the Iraqi armed forces to carry out its responsibilities to secure the country.”.

    It is mentioned that the United States, Britain and France lead the international campaign for the formation of a broad international coalition to help Iraq in its war against the Islamic state or the so-called / IS / logistically and militarily

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