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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The trade volume between Iraq and Iran amounts to 10 billion dollars annually

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The trade volume between Iraq and Iran amounts to 10 billion dollars annually Empty The trade volume between Iraq and Iran amounts to 10 billion dollars annually

    Post by Rocky Tue 19 Sep 2023, 5:36 am

    The trade volume between Iraq and Iran amounts to 10 billion dollars annually

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The director of the Joint Iranian-Iraqi Chamber of Commerce from the Iranian side confirmed today, Tuesday, that the trade volume between the two countries amounts to 10 billion dollars (annually).
    Jahanbakhsh Sanjabi Shirazi explained at the “Solutions for Development of Sustainable Trade between Iran and Iraq within the framework of Vision 2025” forum that the trade volume with Iraq currently amounts to 10 billion dollars, 95 percent of which is in favor of Iran.
    He added that one dollar out of every five dollars of Iranian exports abroad is related to exports to Iraq, which requires adopting the necessary expectations and future vision in trade with the Iraqi market, the loss of which amounts to a loss of 20 percent of the country's trade.
    Shirazi added that trade with Iraq in the short term will be good, and even the year 2025 is ideal, but in the long term it will become difficult due to the conditions, competitors, other issues, and the activity of Iraqi merchants, as the future of the Iraqi market must be preserved through planning and anticipating the horizons.

    Views 38
    Added 09/19/2023 - 12:25 PM
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