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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The "alleged" Halbousi Front... "alien" members and a political maneuver for further disruption

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The "alleged" Halbousi Front... "alien" members and a political maneuver for further disruption Empty The "alleged" Halbousi Front... "alien" members and a political maneuver for further disruption

    Post by Rocky Thu 15 Aug 2024, 5:07 am

    The "alleged" Halbousi Front... "alien" members and a political maneuver for further disruption

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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad 
    Political analyst Muhammad Ali Al-Hakim confirmed, today, Wednesday (August 14, 2024), that the front announced by the head of the Progress Party, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, does not have any evidence that it has the Sunni parliamentary majority.
    Al-Hakim told Baghdad Today, "The announcement by some Sunni political forces of the formation of a political front that includes approximately 50 representatives without any names or signatures confirms the absence of such a number of representatives in this front."
    He added, "Announcing such a front with such unrealistic numbers aims at political maneuvering and gaining more time in order to continue obstructing the election of a new Speaker of the House of Representatives."
    On June 6, 11 MPs and members of provincial councils announced their defection from the Progress Party bloc headed by Mohammed al-Halbousi, and the establishment of a political front called the “Initiative” bloc.
    This came in a press conference held by MP Ziad Al-Janabi, in which he announced this in a statement he read among the dissident MPs and members.
    In the statement, the dissident MPs and members attributed the reason for taking this step to “the state of stagnation that political life has reached, and the inability of the legislative authority to elect a new speaker of parliament for many months.” 
    Despite the numerous legal and constitutional violations, and the fraud scandal announced by the Iraqi judiciary, the dismissed Speaker of Parliament, Mohammed al-Halbousi, according to observers, is still using his influence to obstruct the selection of a new Speaker of Parliament after three sessions were held without passing the alternative. 
    All political and popular circles are waiting for the vote on the new Speaker of Parliament to end the Halbousi era and the functioning of the Parliament, in order to complete the basic oversight and legislative role of the Council.
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      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 10:02 am