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    National Alliance: the tariff applied in violation of the budget law did not include all the ports

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    National Alliance: the tariff applied in violation of the budget law did not include all the ports Empty National Alliance: the tariff applied in violation of the budget law did not include all the ports

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Feb 2016, 8:07 am

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    Vehicles carrying goods pass through the Iraqi border ports
    National Alliance: the tariff applied in violation of the budget law did not include all the ports

    Author: AB, HH, MK 
    Editor: AB, HH 2.2.2016 15:47 Number of Views: 224 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    He confirmed the National Alliance, said on Tuesday that the tariff law is "contrary" to the law of the general budget dish did not include all the border crossing points, as revealed that the Basra ports collects 30% of the value of goods received while you are collecting only 5% in the Kurdistan outlets, student application law in all ports.
    The MP said the National Alliance Zaher al-Abadi during a joint press conference held Congress coalition parliament building and attended (range Press), said that "what has been observed in the application of the tariff law is applied in the provinces without the other."
    The Abadi, that "this would be contrary to what came in the general budget for the 2016 law," and urged "the implementation of the law in all border crossing points."
    For her part, MP for the rule of law emotions blessing, "There is a disparity in the application of the tariff law," pointing out that "the province of Basra ports collects 30% of the value of goods received, as are the collection of 5% of their value in the Kurdistan region of outlets."
    The dozens of suppliers of goods demonstrated, on Monday (the first of February 2016), in the Safwan border port in Basra province, to protest against the implementation of the new tariff law, while stressed that the tax continued in the south will push them to resort to outlets Kurdistan, Mayor spend revealed Zubair decline Safwan port revenues by 95%.
    The Iraqi ports Directorate revealed, in (January 29, 2016), for a reduction of trade movement and the movement of ports after the application of customs tariffs in the southern ports law, as has denied management of border crossings Directorate points obtaining tariff in the exits of the region, the Finance Committee in the Parliament refused to obey the dealers and excluded of the law, calling for the application of "justice," according to the General budget law.
    The Iraqi Council of Ministers in the, he decided, (13 December 2015) the introduction of points in the approved border crossing points shall check and make sure customs tariff are met, and the introduction of standardization of quality control points.
    The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, announced on Thursday the (6 August 2015), the postponement of the introduction of the new customs tariff, attributing this to ensure the readiness of the border crossing points to be applied away from the "corruption and double standards."
    The Association of Customs, announced in the (3 August 2015), start applying the tariff law on goods entering Iraq, indicating that it has agreed with the Kurdistan region on the application of the law and the unification of customs work, while the Economic Commission parliamentary promised that the law is an important step to re-strengthen the joints of the State and the protection of the national product, economic advisor to the prime minister counted, that the lack of a border port applied to any breach of national sovereignty and customs.
    And decided the Ministry of Finance in March 2015, start implementing the customs end of June tariffs after that for 2014 the past, more than once because of the demand by some countries and traders to activate the new customs tariff law after the abolition of the old law subject by the civil governor of Iraq after 2003, Paul Bremer and who spends pay 5% tax on all goods imported from outside the country.
    And tariffs are taxes levied on goods imported by the State on the other, used several customs tariff countries to protect the industry from foreign competition by raising prices of imported goods, so the customs tariff encourage local industries to increase their production, and forced citizens to pay higher prices if they wish imported goods, the Ministry of Finance has adopted a new Kmarkip fees on imported goods. this action provoked mixed reactions among economists, investors and traders in the area of ​​impact on the reduction of the entry of imported goods and rising prices.

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