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    Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month


    Posts : 1858
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month Empty Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month

    Post by Proven Mon 01 Jun 2015, 8:59 am

    The train is back on its tracks.  

    Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month

    01/06/2015 10:02        

    Press direction / special
    Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, on Monday, the federal government agreed with the Kurdistan Regional Government on the application of the customs tariff starting from next month.

    Committee member Magda Tamimi In an interview with "direction Press" confirmed that the committee met and discussed this issue to result in him to send a parliamentary delegation to Arbil after which an agreement to which the inclusion of Iraqi Kurdistan tariff customs like the rest of Iraq's provinces Other, noting that the application would be the beginning of the month of July next.

    Tamimi and showed that the purpose of the imposition of customs tariffs on the Kurdistan Regional Government is to achieve justice among all provinces of the country and so there is no unfairness on a border port without the other.

    The House of Representatives voted in principle, today (7 May 2015), to wait in the application of the customs tariff law, and the decision to provide for the final recommendations to solve the problem of self-funded companies.

    The Ministry of Finance issued earlier decision imposes on the central and southern regions of Iraq commitment to the fulfillment of the tariff with the exception of northern Iraq.

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    Posts : 1858
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month

    Post by Proven Mon 01 Jun 2015, 9:36 am

    Parliamentary economic : the time is right to apply the customs tariff in all of Iraq

       06/01/2015 12:53

       Tomorrow Press / Baghdad :

       Economic Committee in the House of Representatives confirmed, Monday, that the time is now right for the application of customs tariffs in all provinces without exception, claim the central government to enforce the law and coordination with the provinces .

       Committee Chairman Jawad al-Bolani for " tomorrow Press " , that " Iraq should be the area Kmarkip one and the law of customs tariff, passed by the House of Representatives must be effective in all Iraqi border crossings and in all the country's territory without exception .

       " He added that " the application of the law sets up Iraq to the application of the required foreign trade standards , " he said, adding that " laws that proceed in the Federal House of Representatives be with the consent of the people represented in all the provinces and the agreement of the political blocs as well .

       " He called al-Bolani " government should enforce laws prescribed by the House of Representatives and the provinces to abide by the directives, and that there is a high coordination between the central government and the governments and the Kurdistan region to apply customs tariff law " , adding that " law legislation came as part of a political agreement between the blocs .

       " He said Chairman of the Economic Committee in the Parliament that " the time is right now for the implementation of the customs tariff in all of Iraq, because the delay application of the law does not serve any party and hurt trade "

       , refusing to " apply the law to a particular part of the country, because the people will feel no justice if applied to the province without the other .

       " He continued Bolani that " the imbalance in the application of the laws pays its toll of Iraqi citizens " , stressing that the " law of customs tariff will add the general budget and reduce the deficit, If you do not apply the Treasury will remain deficient . "
    Dedicated Investor
    Dedicated Investor

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    Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month

    Post by beverly508 Mon 01 Jun 2015, 9:45 am

    Good news, thank you proven!!

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    Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month

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