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    Legal Committee's (Il Giornale): confidential informant delay the approval of

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Legal Committee's (Il Giornale): confidential informant delay the approval of Empty Legal Committee's (Il Giornale): confidential informant delay the approval of

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Feb 2016, 7:32 am

    [size=37]Legal Committee's (Il Giornale): confidential informant delay the approval of the General Amnesty Law

    Announced the Legal Committee of the House of Representatives by Salim Chawki said his committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the amnesty law Aam once and for all to put to a vote in the House of Representatives. Said Shawki told (Il Giornale) Tuesday (February 2, 2016) that "the Legal Committee settled law, but there are some observations from the political blocs to it, indicating that the Liberal bloc National Bloc have comments on the law and we hope not to Iatarza it. ". He said Shawki that "the law is facing difficult problems in a paragraph confidential informant and coerced confession," explaining that "the law will adopt criminal verdicts issued against some convicts and follow-up in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice." For his part, the independent MP Kazem Sayadi "The legal committee incompetent and legislates help to rampant corruption and terrorists out of prison, and the law of general amnesty law corruption 100% and will proceed with the door of corruption, bribery and pay more to get out of prison." He said in a statement (Il Giornale) Tuesday (February 2, 2016) he was "not against the law if passed properly and the intervention and defense committee and the political blocs security in its drafting," explaining that "the eighth paragraph of the law will come out of all those sentenced under the pretext of re-trial." Parliamentary Legal Committee announced earlier in the presence of more than 14 exception of the draft general amnesty law, pointing out that there is a political will to enact the law. The deputy head of the committee MP Mohsen al-Sadoun said in a press conference with members of the House of Representatives that "the number of exceptions in the draft general amnesty law more than 14 exception." He said al-Saadoun, "We are in the Legal Committee decided not to include both money laundering issues of amnesty," noting that his committee "has asked the Justice Department to send its final statistics for the number of convicts and detainees in Iraqi jails, so that they can evaluate the exceptions." The House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri confirmed, earlier in 2015, that the Parliament is close to the legislation draft general amnesty law.
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