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    Iraq and Syria at the forefront of the list of 15 most dangerous country in the world

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-22

    Iraq and Syria at the forefront of the list of 15 most dangerous country in the world Empty Iraq and Syria at the forefront of the list of 15 most dangerous country in the world

    Post by Rocky Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:23 pm

    [ltr]Iraq and Syria at the forefront of the list of 15 most dangerous country in the world[/ltr]

     Since 06.19.2016 at 09:22 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]It identified the tenth annual edition of the Global Peace Index, the most and least developed countries quieter on this planet, arriving copied to the 163 ranking of countries according to how calm.[/ltr]
    [ltr]And the values ​​of the report, published by the Global Research Institute of Economics and Peace on June 8 th, for 23 different countries depending on the indicator of the peace under three categories: the level of security and peace in the community, domestic and international conflict, and the militarization of the state.[/ltr]
    [ltr]As reflected in the level of peace in the state on the mark of 5 degrees, the lower the value across it for a more peaceful and tranquil country.[/ltr]
    [ltr]It does not raise any eyebrows, classified Syria as the most dangerous in the world state, where I got a peace 3.806 degrees out of 5 degrees, where burdened Middle Eastern country, for the fifth year in a row, under the yoke of the Civil War, which nearly killed the 250 thousand people, and caused the displacement of 9 million of its citizens.[/ltr]
    [ltr]While South Sudan occupied the second place in the list of the most violent countries in the world, much peace 3.593, to come after Iraq with 3.57.[/ltr]
    [ltr]At a time when the Middle East and North African countries dominate the first 15 positions in the list of the most violent countries in the world, Ukraine has been able to share the existing occupied eighth place with record 3.287.[/ltr]
    [ltr]Although the index indicates that the world has become less peaceful and tranquil, but it also indicates that the number of countries that have become safer in 2015, higher than the number of countries that have become more violent.[/ltr]
    [ltr]Among the countries that have become more peaceful and tranquil, we can find Panama, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Mauritania, as most countries have improved their status to become quieter. At the same time we can recall from countries that are becoming less peaceful Yemen, Ukraine, Turkey, Libya, Bahrain, due to the impact of terrorism and political instability.[/ltr]
    [ltr]The following countries, which occupied the first fifteen centers, as the most dangerous and violent in the world countries, with peace, all of them Grade: ranked 15th Nigeria 2.877, and in the 14 North Korean 2.944, and in the 13th Russia 3.079 In the 12 Democratic Republic of Congo, 3.112, and in the 11th Pakistan 3.145, and 10 Libya 3.2, and 9 Sudan 3.269, and in the 8th Ukraine 3.287, and in the 7th Central African Republic 3.354, and in the 6 Yemen 3.399, and in the 5-Somalia 3.414, and in the 4-Afghanistan 3.538, and in the third Iraq 3:57, and in the second South Sudan 3.593 and, in the first Syria 3.806.anthy 29 / a 43[/ltr]

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