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    Abadi for opponents of the last procedures: aims to promote integrity and maintain public money

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    Abadi for opponents of the last procedures: aims to promote integrity and maintain public money Empty Abadi for opponents of the last procedures: aims to promote integrity and maintain public money

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 Jun 2016, 3:41 am

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    Abadi for opponents of the last procedures: aims to promote integrity and maintain public money

     Baghdad / term 

    Re Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Wednesday, on the criticism directed at him on the back of changes it included dozens ofinspectors general. He described thearguments of the objectors as "null and void", accusing the authorities adhere to "quotas" ofbeing behind it . Decided Abadi, last Sunday, rotate 10 inspectors general in a number of ministries andgovernment institutions, assigning four other inspection tasks, as well as the dismissal of two others, of thetotal 80 inspector General, according to the parliamentary integrity Committee estimates. according to this procedure , after the exemptions made ​​by the Prime Minister, on June 7 th, included intelligence director and general manager of the commercial bank and head of the Iraqi media network from office, as well as exempt banks , Rafidain and Rasheed , and real estate, industrial and agricultural managers. yesterday , counting theleader of Sadr 's power to change managers and inspectors as a "consecration of corruption." Sadr said, in response to him a question on "Do the actions carried out by Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi change theindustrial and agricultural banks managers and referral media network director to retire and exemption intelligence director within the prosthetic reforms ? is exemption senior officials without any accountability and force them to go to eliminate is corruption? " the first question is the consecration of corruption." he said al-Sadr, the answer is seen by the (range), concerning the terms of the second question that " the spoiler is not held accountable for the spoiler." but Abadi, and cross - media office, he expressed his surprise at theopposition to change the inspectors general of "false allegations." the Prime Minister 's Office, in a statement received (range), a copy of which, " the government confirms the continuation of its efforts in the fight against financial and administrative corruption and further reform of the institutions the state, and the restructuring of the Iraqi economy and the residence on a sound basis, and in this area came a step Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi change the number of inspectors general in the ministries and state institutions. "He added Abadi 's office said , " this came in order to strengthen the principle of fairness, control and cemented the government performance and maintain public funds and implementation of the government program of reforms passed by the House of Representatives , "pointing out that" what is surprising opposition to these reform measures false allegations from some who claim to reject quotas, but at the same time insist that stick out , which appear contradictory positions on the implementation of reforms. " Article (3 / I) of thesecond amendment to the law of inspectors general (1) for the year 2011, that he "may not be transferred Inspector General or shall submit its recommendation or dismiss him or to retire or accountability Anillattiya or forwarded to the administrative inquiry only by a decision of the Prime Minister on the recommendation of theCommission on Public integrity. " as stipulated in Article (3 / II - III) that" the renewed service inspector in office for another five years - just for once - the way that appoints them. And referred to the inspector to retire the rank of Undersecretary of the Ministry if the duration of his tenure ended without a renewal for another. " However , the previously issued a statement to the Office of Abadi, issued by mid - week, he stressed that" it was built on what introduced by the Integrity Commission and the virtue of the authority granted to us under the provisions of Article 1 of the legislative order No. 19 of 2015 , "a reference to theparliamentary mandate obtained by the government after a wave of last year 's demonstrations. but the House of Representatives back from that planned regain his powers after months. in a strongly worded statement, issued Monday, confirmed the alliance of Iraqi forces to" the powers Prime Minister according to the Constitution that have been identified to article (80 / V) and ordered the cabinet to recommend to the House of Representatives to appoint deputy ministers, ambassadors and who are largely private, as well as the text of Article (61 / V / b) , which required the approval of the House of Representatives on them. " He said coalition forces that" Transfer of funds procedures carried out by the head of government inspectors topublic officials in a number of ministries and government departments to try smokescreen and cover up the unilateral appointment and management proxy resolution, and the exploitation busy all political actors victories of our armed forces in the liberation of the cities of Anbar operations to pass the lists of appointments loyal to the person of the government. " In a separate context, stressed the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi and Chairman of the National Coalition , Iyad Allawi, on Wednesday, the need to sustain the momentum of"victories" after the liberation of the city of Fallujah and to provide the necessary supplies for the displaced, while Abadi called on political blocs to support the " put aside their differences" and to resort to dialogue toresolve outstanding issues. Ebadi said the Office, in a statement seen (range) , a copy of Wednesday evening, said that "the Prime Minister received in his office today, President of the national coalition , Iyad Allawi , " noting that he "took place during the meeting , they discussed political, security and economic situation taking place in the country and the importance of the unification efforts to meet the challenges experienced by Iraq. " the statement added , " it was emphasized the need to sustain the momentum ofvictories after the liberation of Fallujah and support and support for our heroine and provide the necessary supplies and a decent living for the displaced. " the Prime Minister called on all political blocs to" support our troops heroine in the fight against the terrorist gangs and stay away from anything that would adversely affect the determination of our fighters, "while emphasizing the importance of " put aside their differences and toresort to dialogue to resolve the outstanding issues of the functioning of the country to safety. "
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