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    Mexican Official Finally Admits What Everyone Has Been Waiting For


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-13

    Mexican Official Finally Admits What Everyone Has Been Waiting For Empty Mexican Official Finally Admits What Everyone Has Been Waiting For

    Post by Lobo Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:48 am

    Mexican Official Finally Admits What Everyone Has Been Waiting For
    Posted by Eric Whittle | Oct 2, 2016 | National Security

    Mexican Official Finally Admits What Everyone Has Been Waiting For Pasted_image_at_2016_10_02_01_17_pm-e1475439551543
    President Nieto Of Mexico Will Have To Admit It

    When Donald Trump first announced that he intends to build a wall on the southern border and make Mexico pay for it, one could almost hear the condescending scoffs of disbelief miles away. Then, when the former President of Mexico said he would not pay for that wall, Donald Trump quipped: “That wall just got ten feet higher,” and, again, more scoffing. Trump made a trip down to Mexico almost a month ago, made it clear that having a border is the right of every sovereign nation—this was called a “photo op,” because apparently meeting with the leader of a country isn’t a big deal when Trump does it.
    Get used to that feeling, because he’ll be doing it a lot.
    Before we can understand why a Mexican central bank official is shaking in his boots, we need to understand how Trump can and will make Mexico pay for the wall. Trump’s website has been updated to be more ambiguous about the method used to get the funds, but, luckily, I have a wonderful memory.
    Mexico receives around $24 billion from America via money transfers from individuals who may or may not be legal citizens. That’s a large chunk of the Mexican economy. Donald Trump came up with an idea; either we cut off the funds, or Mexico gives us a one-time (small) loan of $10-15 dollars. In conjunction, the U.S. would raise the price of visas. We get the money, a bunch of jobs are created, and the wall gets built.
    Mexican Official Finally Admits What Everyone Has Been Waiting For Donald-trump_-smiling-777x437-e1475439745534
    “Oh, We’re Going to Build That Wall, Folks.”

    Now, Agustin Carstens, an official at the Bank of Mexico, said in a recent radio interview that Trump’s presidency “would be a hurricane—and a particularly intense one if he fulfills what he has been saying in his campaign.” In addition, the central bank of Mexico had to raise its prime lending rate to 4.75% last week due to “nervousness surrounding the possible consequences of the U.S. elections, whose implications for Mexico could be particularly significant.”
    Gov. Carstens feels this way for a few reasons. One of which being the further devaluation of the Mexican peso recently. The “hurricane” sized problem would likely be from the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade agreement. When changed, NAFTA would work for America and Mexico, not just Mexico.
    Lending rates increase, currency devaluation, and a shaken Bank of Mexico official all add up to this: They’re preparing to take an economic hit in one way or another. Whether by a one-time payment, or a fee payable over a certain amount of time, the money will be leaving Mexico—and they know it.
    Mexican Official Finally Admits What Everyone Has Been Waiting For Pasted_image_at_2016_10_02_01_16_pm-e1475439896879
    Agustin Carstens
    After Trump’s visit to Mexico, President Nieto made it clear that Mexico would never pay for the wall. However, Nieto is a politician, and Trump is a businessman. Gov. Carstens is a banker. If anyone knows what could or will happen with money, it would likely be the businessman and the banker—not the politician.
    “But Mr. Writer, if a physical wall made of concrete goes up there wouldn’t be any way for border patrol to see what’s going on behind it,” to paraphrase people such as Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies. The real beauty of this argument is the lack of understanding on just how the wall—or walls—would be built.
    And undertaking of this size wouldn’t be shoddily done, but it might be done “under budget and ahead of schedule.” There have been several proposed schematics for the wall—most of which were created by entities such as CNN, and their bias is recorded at this point. However, those in favor of the wall have also proposed how the border would look, work, and be built.
    With the poll numbers showing the favor of Trump recently, it’s likely that one of those proposed plans for the wall will be put into effect. But, yet again, the loudest voice is always the most resistant to an idea. Trump’s critics are so focused on saying the wall will never go up that they haven’t considered it very well could.
    This creates an atmosphere of distaste and disbelief which would only make things difficult for themselves, not Trump nor his supporters. Hypothetically, if construction of the wall begins, there would be a large group of very vocal people saying the exact opposite of what’s really going on. Instead of the headline saying “First Brick Laid on Trump Border,” it would say “Brick Prices Skyrocket Amidst Trump’s Border Project.” We’ve seen CNN, MSNBC, and others do this type of narrative flipping constantly throughout this election cycle—so why would the wall be any different?
    This subversion is the reason the public has a very faint idea of what’s really going on and what’s likely to happen. Everyone has seen President Nieto’s tweet about not paying for the wall—but have they heard what the Bank of Mexico’s official said? Not much reporting can be found on the topic, because the news outlets don’t want it to be true.
    If the wall going up wasn’t a real threat, if it really wasn’t going to happen, and if Trump is truly a crazy idiot, then why is it that the Bank of Mexico has an official saying Trump’s Presidency would be a “hurricane” of a threat?
    “If the wall is forty-feet high the sale of forty-one foot ropes will go up,” is a common saying this year. If that becomes true, it won’t matter much—all the ropes will be in packages that have the words “made in America” on them.
    “We love immigration, but it has to be legal immigration”—Donald Trump

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