BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq new oil minister Jabbar Ali Allaibi, Tuesday, his emphasis on theneed to move forward to increase refinery production and improved fuel domestic gasoline and reduce the proportion of Astaradh.oukal Allaibi, in a statement during a meeting of the operating room , who chaired today in the presence of agents and general managers , "We have put solid and integrated action plan designed to develop the oil sector in the country , "stressing" the need tomove forward to achieve its goals through teamwork in order to develop the oil sector in thecountry . "He added," we will work to overcome the obstacles hindering the development of thesector oil , "pointing to" the need to resume the national effort within the ministry companies in order to achieve the set for the development of this important sector in the country targets ".ohdd oil minister" the need to move forward to increase and improve the local product of a substance gasoline progressively because of its positive impact on the citizen on the one hand and on thecountry 's economy by reducing the proportion of imported and thus save money for the budget of the country on the other hand " , stressing Allaibi" the need to implement the relevant refineries projects and find practical and quick solutions for decades lagging and speed up the resolution of the assignment of the refineries that have been announced in some provinces which aims to increasethe national production of oil derivatives. "