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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Canadian company wins the implementation of a water plant in Basra Japanese funding of $ 80 million

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    Canadian company wins the implementation of a water plant in Basra Japanese funding of $ 80 million Empty Canadian company wins the implementation of a water plant in Basra Japanese funding of $ 80 million

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Nov 2016, 1:40 am

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    Canadian company wins the implementation of a water plant in Basra Japanese funding of $ 80 million

     Baghdad / term 

    Canadian company announced, on Saturday, won the contract to implement the second phase of the station Sacrifice Basra water at acost of $ 80 million, indicating that the project is a Japanese - funded and provides pumping 300 thousand cubic meters of water per day to the city. 
    She Brocknyk Protechnique Canadian Contracting Company, according to the Web site reported Trajd Arbia Trade Arabia economic news, and I followed the "long", she "won a contract to implement the second phase of the Basra water pumping $ 80 million station, that the project is complete in December 2018 with funding from the agency for global cooperation Japanese GT JICA ", noting that" the contract is part of a major project to enhance the processing of drinking water for the city of Basra. " 
    The company is specialized and added water treatment and healthcare projects and equipment of oil and gas, that "winning the contract came after a fierce competition with other competitors , including the Toyota companies and Ghanem Construction and Contractors Arabs and Terna Indian Sunset", indicating that it "will focus Pumping equipment key with recycling pump water from the desalination plant project water to residential neighborhoods in the city of Basra. " 
    Said Managing Director of Brocknyk for the Middle East, US Abdullah, said that " the overall activities of thecompany within a decade confined to engineering work with the processing equipment and the completion ofconstruction work at the station , which will inject 300 thousand cubic meters of water per day , " pointing out that " the station consists of a tank converter and a pump station manufacturing and sterilization department chlorinated and rooms mixing station and electrical substations as well as the electrical generating and building a network pipes and LED compartment and measure the flow of water. " 
    According to Abdullah, he said : " The contract also includes the construction of observation towers on thecorners of the station with the guards and other accessories compartments , " noting that " the contract contributes to the delivery of drinking water to the population of the city of Basra." 
    For his part , he said the Asian region for the company director, Daniel Park, said that "work in such projects is a historic success for the company," vowing that " the company is working to accomplish this important development project." 
    The Basra, suffer from a chronic problem in drinking water, despite what left untouched rivers of the most important of the Shatt al - Arab.
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