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    The CIA is trying to take Trump out - EXPECT AN ESCALATION OF EVENTS


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    The CIA is trying to take Trump out - EXPECT AN ESCALATION OF EVENTS Empty The CIA is trying to take Trump out - EXPECT AN ESCALATION OF EVENTS

    Post by Lobo Sat 10 Dec 2016, 5:54 pm

    The CIA is trying to take Trump out - EXPECT AN ESCALATION OF EVENTS
    Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Saturday, 10-Dec-2016 13:32:22

    If you go to the link above (Jim Stone - world class investigative reporter) only put in
    in the address window and then you will get the most updated info. Otherwise you will get old info.


    The CIA has made false allegations that Russia was involved in influencing the U.S. election via information handouts to Wikileaks despite having absolutely no evidence to go on. Julian assange, before being (most likely) taken out made it clear that the Russians were not the source of the leaks.

    And so what about the source? Why is the CIA focusing on how the information got out, rather than the information itself? They can't prove it wrong, which means Pizzagate and a whole lot of other tasty stuff is BANG ON. The CIA should be moving to get rid of Hillary and the DNC, NOT TRUMP and the fact that they are pursuing only the leaks themselves rather than what they contained legitimizes ALL OF IT at the same time it proves the CIA is politically motivated trash.

    Trump had a perfect comeback to the accusations that Russia helped him win. When asked about this Trump proved he was not one of the establishment by saying:

    "These are the same people who said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction".

    The press is totally freaked out over Trump saying that, because not only does Trump's willingness to state that cold hard reality prove the CIA is a trash agency, it, in the same swipe blows away the MSM which lied the entire time and knew it. And every truther out there, who saw through the MSM lies KNOWS IT. And every foreign intelligence agency out there KNOWS IT. Yet up until now, the CIA and MSM have been skating along without being held accountable in any way for fronting that lie. If there is anything Trump could have done to prove he is one of us, that was it. No neocon would have ever said that, no Hillary supporter would have ever said that, no establishment head would have ever said that, yet it is an obvious truth, spoken in the alt media for almost a decade now.

    Expect an escalation of events now because by saying that, Trump just told the most evil people on earth exactly what game he's going to play. One could only guess at what will happen next.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 8:35 pm