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    Prevent disagreements blocks hosting Abadi and disrupted the resolution of the vacant ministries

    Admin Assist
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    Prevent disagreements blocks hosting Abadi and disrupted the resolution of the vacant ministries Empty Prevent disagreements blocks hosting Abadi and disrupted the resolution of the vacant ministries

    Post by Rocky Wed 05 Apr 2017, 12:59 am

    Prevent disagreements blocks hosting Abadi and disrupted the resolution of the vacant ministries

     Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

    Prime Minister invests differences of parliamentary blocs , the lack of commitment to resolving the vacant ministries file, and absent from the parliament session devoted to clarifying accusations of deputies recently.
    The bloc recognizes the prime minister said that the Turkmen disagreement about the candidate component of the Ministry of Industry, the sharp rivalry between the National Coalition and the Sunni parties about the Ministry of Commerce 's efforts to resolve the ministries obstructed file
    In light of the continuing differences, a coalition of state law that confirms the vacant ministries file is no longer on the list of priorities Abadi.
    And still vacant three ministries, namely: finance, trade and industry, and managed by proxy by the ministers of higher education, planning, labor and social affairs.
    Three months ago , the parliament refused to vote on the nomination of candidates for the ministries of industry and trade because of the different component of the Turkmen representatives on the one hand, and between the National Coalition and the Sunni powers on the other hand, on the nomination of the Minister of Commerce bag. And the exchange of deputies of the Turkmen component accusations over the candidate of Necmettin Mohsen failed to take over the Ministry of Industry.
    And confirms the deputy of the mass citizen that "there is a split within the Turkmen component on the candidate bag industry." "There are also differences between the national coalition and Sunni blocs candidate hindered the resolution of the Ministry of Commerce," adding that " the Sunni parties are seeking all the power to acquire one of the two bags Wazzareeten".
    He MP, who spoke (range) , asking not to be identified, that " the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc does not want to provide an alternative to the finance minister , Hoshyar Zebari , because it is considered to sack him politically targeted by the team Maliki , " noting that " the Kurdish side refuses to provide an alternative Zebari unless the government did not prove the existence of violations against him. "
    In turn , Abbas al - Bayati , confirms, MP who is close to the prime minister, that " the internal differences of the component Turkmen and incompatibility between Sunni blocs and the National Coalition on the candidate of the Ministry of Commerce blocked the resolution of the vacant ministries file."
    He said al - Bayati (range) yesterday that "Abadi is keen to resolve this file with the parties and political blocs agreed to provide figures."
    He said a coalition of state law that "preoccupation with al - Abadi Bsafarth to Washington and attend the Arab summit meetings and the differences between the political blocs and the developments of events in the Battle of Mosul are all factors that pushed disable this file and remove him from the list of
    He denied al - Bayati , the existence of a request to question the prime minister, adding that "Abadi does not mind to come to the House of Representatives a month to clarify all problems and questions.
    The prime minister was absent from the session allocated by Parliament to accusations made by the members of the House of manipulating the terms of the budget for personal purposes.
    And tried to Abadi Swirling on claim the presidency of the parliament in his presence to the House of Representatives, invited the heads of blocs to meet with him in the government palace after returning from participating Arab summit.
    and wished deputies from the Dawa Party that only the heads of blocs hosting a session, expressing their fear of the exploitation of the meeting to create a crisis with Abadi.
    Be parliamentary blocs refused to abandon its commitment to host the Prime Minister in the House of Representatives despite the presence of their representatives at the Abadi meeting with leaders of the blocks. In
    turn says MP Hussein al - Awadi, a member of the Liberal bloc, he said that "some of the political blocs have not persuaded to host the Prime Minister of the heads of blocs and insists on hosting in the parliament. "
    he said Al - Awadi, in a statement (term) yesterday that" the Prime Minister did not succeed in naming independent ministers away from quotas. "
    he called a member of the Liberal bloc the prime minister to" reveal the political blocs names exerted pressure on him to pass candidates " . Stressing the need to "provide candidates technocrats away from quotas."

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