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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers Empty Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 May 2017, 3:10 am

    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

    Editorial date: 2017/5/9

    [Ayna - Baghdad]
    The Interior Ministry on Tuesday closed all border crossings in Iraq via the Internet for data transfers and live images.
    "All the border ports associated with the Directorate General of the border ports have been connected to the Internet through the optical cable," said Sami al-Sudani, head of border ports, in a statement.
    "This service will help deliver live video images, communication and data transfer," he said.

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    Interacting Investor
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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers Empty Re: Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

    Post by Screwball Wed 10 May 2017, 3:17 am

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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers Empty Linking border ports optical cable Internet

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 May 2017, 3:37 am

    Linking border ports optical cable Internet

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News

    Announced that the border crossing points Directorate, for connecting all associated access to the Internet via optical cable ports.

    The director of the border crossing points, Major General Sami Sudanese in a statement received by the "Journal News", "all border ports linked to the Directorate has been linked to access to the Internet via optical cable and the delivery of images and live video communication and data transfers."

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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers Empty Re: Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

    Post by Screwball Wed 10 May 2017, 3:39 am

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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers Empty Re: Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

    Post by weslin3 Wed 10 May 2017, 9:05 am

    Screwball wrote:Tarriffs
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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers Empty Re: Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

    Post by wciappetta Wed 10 May 2017, 11:10 am


    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4
    Interacting Investor
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    Linking border ports electronically to data carriers Empty Re: Linking border ports electronically to data carriers

    Post by weslin3 Wed 10 May 2017, 12:45 pm


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