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    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure

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    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure Empty President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Jun 2017, 1:28 am

    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure

    Arab and international Since 2017-06-01 at 16:02 (Baghdad time)

    Mawazine News - Follow up
    Philippine President Rodrigo Duterti said on Thursday that the insurgency on the southern island of Mindanao was not a Mauti plot but a "distraction", warning that he had long warned of the organization's imminent arrival.
    Duterti said that the terrorists are looking after defeating them from Iraq and Syria from a new base, saying that the siege of the city of Marawi was long planned.
    He added that terrorists in the southern Philippines were receiving funding from the drug trade, pointing out that the two brothers Mouti, who carry the extremist movement name, are involved in this trade.
    Doretti, who is waging a war on drugs, insists the drug trade is the basis of the country's crime and security problems.
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    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure Empty Night "Manila" bloody details

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Jun 2017, 2:35 am

    Night "Manila" bloody details

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

    There are conflicting statements by the Philippine police made on the bloody attack that killed dozens of people in "Casino" in the capital Manila on Thursday night, and adopted "Daesh" according to the American Center announced a specialized follow-up "militant websites."

    Long live the capital of the Philippines bloody night, when an armed casino located in the "Resorts World Manila" complex, which also includes a hotel, never shot randomly attacked the pioneers, killing at least 34 people and injuring others, according to preliminary information.

    Killed or committed suicide?

    Remarkably, the Philippine police chief, Ronald de la Rosa, said, hours after the end of the bloody attack, the man who opened fire inside a casino gambling has spent a suicide, after a statement to the same source for the killing of the attacker at the hands of two police officers who had stormed the place.

    Della told reporters that "armed has been neutralized. He died. The oldest burning himself inside a hotel room, "before offering the suicide attacker supposed details, saying" I stretched on the bed, then covered himself with a thick cover, and seems to pour fuel on the lid and burned himself. "

    Della Rosa gave these remarks after an hour of his claim, in a television interview, said that police shot the gunman and killed him, without explaining to reporters the contradiction in his statements, which raised a number of questions about the cause of inconsistencies in the information.

    Daesh built .. but

    It did not stop at this point, "Daesh" was quick to adopt the attack on the compound, according to the American "website" center specialist follow-up terrorist sites on the Internet, but the Philippines police chief said in a radio interview that a man seems that he acted alone, fired from a gun "or Four "in the lounge to play gambling.

    Della Rosa added that the man was shot once again about one of the rooms where the store slides used in gambling before it fills the bag of them, confirm that the process relating to the theft and this was also referred to police sources who said that the motive behind the attack was robbery probably.

    He has said Manila's police chief, Oscar Albaialda, the gunman tried to steal chips gamble worth 113 million pesos ($ 2.3 million), although it left the bag that filled the slides near the store room. He told reporters outside the casino, "There are no indications that a terrorist act."

    Later, a government source confirmed that the motives of the attack was not a terrorist, the Philippine presidential spokesman told reporters that "the special situation in Manila is linked to the launch of a terrorist attack."

    Night horror

    The details of the night of horror at the casino, it was told by witnesses, said the employee Marysal Navarro "I was coming back to the second floor of Astraana when I saw people fleeing. Some of the hotel guests said that one of them shouted Isis (organize Daesh). "

    Gathered guests and staff trapped relatives at home in front of the complex. He said Jill Aongko "contacted us after midnight our daughter says she was in the section of important people in the casino, there is smoke and they suffocate."

    Media reports revealed that the striker has not only shot, but also to deliberately set fire to the gaming tables, provoking panic in a country where a state of alert after the imposition of martial law in the south, where security forces are engaged in confrontations with militant elements Daesh pledged allegiance.

    The Philippines is facing a crisis in the south, where rebels are fighting government forces since 23 May. The President announced, Rodrigo Dottirta, martial law in the island of Mindanao in the south last week.

    He says he feared the spread of Dottirta "terrible thought" for "Daesh" in Mindanao, an island inhabited by 22 million people, and warned that they could become a haven for supporters of the organization fleeing from Iraq and Syria.
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    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure Empty The sound of explosions and gunfire in the Philippine capital Manila

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Jun 2017, 2:38 am

    The sound of explosions and gunfire in the Philippine capital Manila

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

    I saw the Philippine capital Manila on Thursday, an armed attack at a local tourist resorts hit, resulting in the wounding at least 25 people.

    She Initial media reports from Manila that the shooting took place in "Resorts World Manila" resort around midnight GMT Philippines, while witnesses spoke of hearing the sound of explosions there.

    The official spokesman of the Philippine Red Cross, Bassaa the Chapter, said that at least 25 people were taken to hospitals in the city on the background of the incident.

    Local special forces cordoned off the perimeter of the tourist resort, while the deployment of brigades at the scene.

    The Philippine military announced that the Metropolitan Police controls the situation on the background of this attack.

    This comes after the reported local newspaper "Manila Times", citing the statements of the elements of the rescue teams, that there is a large number of people, among them are infected, are still trapped inside the building, in front of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, adding that many of the wounded were injured when they jumped from the second floor of the resort, seeking to save their lives.

    And the dissemination of activists on social networking sites videos and pictures of the smoke rising from one of the balconies appears.
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    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure Empty Southern Philippines appears as a hub for Asian gangs Daesh

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Jun 2017, 3:05 am

    Southern Philippines appears as a hub for Asian gangs Daesh

    14:33 - 06/01/2017

    A report by the newspaper Straits Times Philippine Thursday that dozens of foreign terrorists who fought alongside Daesh terrorist gangs in Iraq and Syria fighting alongside sympathizers Aldoaash in the southern Philippines against security forces in the country, which shows that the troubled region, there has quickly turned into a hub Asian for terrorist groups.

    And the transfer of his translation agency / information / sources in the Philippine intelligence report as saying that "between 400 to 500 terrorists overran the city of Marawi in the island of Mindanao on Tuesday and the existence of nearly 40 terrorists Daashaa recently arrived from abroad, including terrorists from the Middle East countries."

    For his part, he said Professor Rohan Gunaratna security expert in political studies at the University of Singapore said that "gangs Daesh in Iraq took shrink and Syria, and therefore resort to decentralization in parts of Asia and the Middle East."

    He added that "one of the areas that are trying to expand Daesh are areas of Southeast Asia and the Philippines represents the center of gravity."

    It is noteworthy that Mendanaw city is under attack by bandits and a local rebel movements and separatist movements, but officials warned of a long period of that poverty, lawlessness and borders breached the city's predominantly Muslim minority in the country means that it can be transformed into a base for terrorists, extremists Southeast Asia and beyond, especially with the exit of terrorists Daesh Iraq and Syria. Finished / z 25
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    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure Empty 34 dead and 54 wounded at least the outcome of the attack Manila

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Jun 2017, 3:37 am

    34 dead and 54 wounded at least the outcome of the attack Manila


    I saw the Philippine capital Manila on Thursday, an armed attack at a local tourist resorts hit, resulting in 34 dead and 54 injured at least.

    She Initial media reports from Manila that the shooting took place in "Resorts World Manila" resort around midnight GMT Philippines, while witnesses spoke of hearing the sound of explosions there.

    Announced the official spokesman of the Philippine Red Cross, Bassaa the Chapter, that at least 54 people were taken to hospitals in the city on the background of the incident, while the killing of some 34 others.

    She explained the local newspaper "Manila Times", citing statements elements of the rescue teams, there are a large number of people, among them are infected, are still trapped inside the building, in front of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, adding that many of the wounded were injured when they jumped from the floor the second resort, seeking to save their lives.

    And the adoption of the "Daesh", the terrorist attack, claiming that it was carried out by "a single wolf."

    The official spokesman of the Philippine Red Cross, Bassaa the Chapter, said, earlier, said that at least 25 people were taken to hospitals in the city on the background of the incident.

    Local special forces cordoned off the perimeter of the tourist resort, while the deployment of brigades at the scene.

    The Philippine military announced that the Metropolitan Police controls the situation on the background of this attack.

    This comes after the reported local newspaper "Manila Times", citing the statements of the elements of the rescue teams, that there is a large number of people, among them are infected, are still trapped inside the building, in front of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, adding that many of the wounded were injured when they jumped from the second floor of the resort, seeking to save their lives.

    And the dissemination of activists on social networking sites videos and pictures of the smoke rising from one of the balconies appears.

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    President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure Empty Re: President of the Philippines: The rebellion of the city of Mindanao came in a witty measure

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