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    Do Iraq's debts pose a threat to the economy? Parliament answers

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Do Iraq's debts pose a threat to the economy? Parliament answers Empty Do Iraq's debts pose a threat to the economy? Parliament answers

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 May 2024, 4:37 am

    Do Iraq's debts pose a threat to the economy? Parliament answers
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, today, Tuesday (May 7, 2024), that Iraq’s external and internal debts do not pose any threat to the internal economic and financial situation.
    Committee member Moin Al-Kazemi told “Baghdad Today” that “Iraq’s foreign and internal debts do not pose any threat to the internal economic and financial situation, as these debts are paid according to what is planned and agreed upon in every budget, and Iraq is committed to that, and there is no delay in payment.” So that there will be consequences for this delay .”
    Al-Kadhimi stated that “the internal debt is a debt to Iraqi government institutions, most of which is to the Central Bank of Iraq, and the external debt has reached approximately (8) billion dollars in the current year, after it was approximately (21) billion dollars during the last three years, and this means that Iraq continues to pay its debts and its financial situation is good and stable .”
     On the other hand, Iraq’s internal debt, which is held exclusively by the government banking system, is estimated at about $55 billion if valued in foreign currency according to the new exchange rate, which means that no less than 63% of the internal public debt is in the possession of the Central Bank of Iraq, whether in the form of government bonds or transfers. Treasury, according to the government's economic advisor .
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