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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    "Wives Daesh" uncover new details about the sale of the captives and attached to one of them: There

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    "Wives Daesh" uncover new details about the sale of the captives and attached to one of them: There  Empty "Wives Daesh" uncover new details about the sale of the captives and attached to one of them: There

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Jul 2017, 6:32 am

    "Wives Daesh" uncover new details about the sale of the captives and attached to one of them: There is no marriage xxxx

    Saturday July 15, 2017 14:25

    revealed interviews conducted by the agency Raptla Russian, with the wives of ex elements of the organization "Daesh", about their lives and the details of their marriage, as well as from the captivity and the marriage, in the lives of members of the organization.

    The agency quoted one of the wives Daesh called Khadija as saying : "They came to me and told me not to marry unscathed, where there is a brother wounded , referring to one of the militants Daesh."

    She added , "There is no marriage to xxxx, but an official marriage , where we go to the municipality and work a marriage contract," noting that "if my husband was killed Vatzoj from a second person after the approval of the parents and the presence of witnesses."

    She added , "For Sabbieh Valmtzoj who owns Sabbieh spends her days and the other day with his wife."

    For its part, another woman called Noor Huda , aged 20 years , said the awareness of the Lebanese city of Tripoli , "I met my husband in a sermon my sister and I got married and I am a small, where my family was difficult conditions and gave birth to two children , one of them when I was 15 years old and the other in 16 years."

    She said , "My husband joined a Salafi group and they gave him the idea of jihad, to join Daesh", adding that "my husband told me that everyone wants to destroy Islam and I believed him."

    Confirmed Noor Huda that "elements of the organization were decorated the captives beautiful clothes and cosmetics for trading them", pointing out that they "do Ptsoarhn and publish a set in the program (Aletilgram) and its name market for slaves, where he was $ 15 thousand dollars and early up to 30 thousand dollars."

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