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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A political day

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A political day Empty A political day

    Post by Rocky Thu 03 Aug 2017, 2:39 am

    A political day

    Ktlta al- Sadr and Hakim have voted on the St. Lego 1.9
    The chairman of the Justice and Unity in the WIN National Alliance Amer al - Fayez gathered, from the political blocs that voted on the St. LEGO electoral system (1.9), indicating that some deputies refused to vote on this Alnzam.oukal al - Fayez said " the large blocs As the state of law and the coalition of Hakim and the Liberal bloc voted on the electoral system of St. Lego (1.9), but there are deputies from these blocs rejected the system and voted against, "noting that" (117) deputies voted yes and (116) voted no, Only the electoral system was passed St. Lego (1.9 "). Al-Fayez said that "signatures have been collected for the purpose of re-voting on the electoral system. If voting is re-elected, the electoral system will be rejected by St. Lego (1.9)."

    Parliament abolished Kota Turkmen in Baghdad Council
    MP Arshad Salehi, the parliament voted to abolish the seat of the Turkmen Council of Baghdad.
    Salhi said that "the House of Representatives voted, to abolish the seat of the Baghdad Provincial Council granted to the Turkmen (Kota)" The Turkmen MP, that "that happened so as not to be counted Turkmen nationalism minority, and this was with the consent of the Turkmen parliament."
    The Turkmen component was granted his "quota" seats in many institutions, a customary procedure to ensure the representation of minorities in Ath.okan the House of Representatives had voted during its meeting held last Tuesday, the 21 articles of the draft provincial elections and district law.

    financial impose strange instructions on loans Employees of the Interior
    criticized the MP for a coalition of state law Free D. Brahimi, "strange instructions" Issued by the Ministry of Finance on loans for military personnel of the Ministry of Interior.
    Brahimi said that "there are strange instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance on the State's advances and loans belonging to the forces of the Ministry of the Interior is to refuse to ensure that the ministry's members among themselves and each other," expressing "astounded wisdom in this procedure."
    Brahimi said that "this procedure makes the members feel the lack of credibility towards their state, knowing that they provide the most valuable thing possessed by human beings, namely, their lives and blood."

    Displaced women trafficked to the body in displacement camps
    A member of the Committee on Women, Family and Childhood, Rezan Sheikh Delir, revealed that displaced women were subjected to trafficking in bodies and forced marriages in one of the displacement camps.
    Sheikh Diller said,
    The House of Representatives and the government must know what is happening in the camps of displacement inside Iraq from the exposure of displaced women to trafficking in the body and forced and early marriage, "noting that" some field statistics about 30% of women in one of the camps in the Kurdistan region of trafficking without a follow-up to their cause , during the follow - up to the prisons observed numerous cases of trafficking victims among women detained on charges of prostitution , "without the special court turned human trafficking to consider any such issue."

    does not support a constitutional calling for the postponement of provincial elections
    saw the MP from the Turkmen front , Hassan Turan was not Yu Found a constitutional support to postpone the elections in the provincial councils Tauran said that "there is a previous experience to merge the parliamentary and provincial councils, but postponement of the elections will be a big problem." He added that "

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