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    news for retirees on salaries for the month of August

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    news for retirees on salaries for the month of August Empty news for retirees on salaries for the month of August

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Aug 2017, 3:54 am

    news for retirees on salaries for the month of August

    Good news for retirees on August salaries

    The National Retirement Authority announced on Sunday the direct distribution of retirees' salaries for the month of August.

    The Authority said in a statement seen by the twilight News, it began to pay the salaries of retired citizens of the 2017 and can retirees card holders smart card Card Rashid Bank to review the exchange centers to receive their salaries.

    She added that the manual exchange pensioners can review the banks on Monday to receive their salaries.

    For his part, the Rafidain Bank announced the direct disbursement of salaries of civilian retirees for the current August through manual exchange and smart card.

    The bank's information office said in a statement to the twilight news, that the bank began to pay the salaries of retired citizens of La Jabbab, adding that this includes smart card holders and manual exchange retirees.

    The statement pointed out that the bank is an executive in the disbursement of salaries, after the arrival of lists and data of the names of retirees by the National Pension Authority.

    The Rafidain Bank has attributed on Saturday the reasons for the delayed payment of salaries of civilian retirees for the month of August so far for lack of access lists and their names and statements by the Pension Authority.

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