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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    International migration: 3.22 million displaced persons returned to their areas

    Admin Assist
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    International migration: 3.22 million displaced persons returned to their areas Empty International migration: 3.22 million displaced persons returned to their areas

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jan 2018, 1:42 am

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    International migration: 3.22 million displaced persons returned to their areas

    Baghdad / AFP 

    The number of displaced people who have returned to their homes has exceeded the number of those who have not yet been able to return, for the first time since the occupation of a large area of ​​the country in 2014, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Thursday.
    The source said that at the end of December 2017, 3.22 million people had returned to their homes, while 2.61 million remained displaced. 
    The development came at the end of the month when the Iraqi authorities announced their military victory over the militants of the organization calling out those expelled from all city centers. 
    "By the end of 2015, less than half a million people have returned to their homes," said Sandra Black, a spokeswoman for the organization in Iraq. "In 2017, 1.85 million people returned." "The restoration of large areas of Iraqi forces was important and improved security," she said. 
    The extremist organization in 2014 occupied one-third of Iraq's territory and threatened the existence of the state, before the counter-attack against Iraqi forces. 
    About a third of the displaced are in Nineveh province and its largest city, Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, and saw a nine-month street war that ended with the release of terrorists.
    Among the displaced returnees, more than a million have returned to the mainly Sunni Anbar province where the last battle took place to restore the last townships that were in the hands of the militants. 
    Sandra Black said among the returnees, "about a third confirmed that they found their homes completely destroyed or to a large extent and 60 percent found them moderately damaged." 
    Infrastructure has also been hit by violence and in some neighborhoods, electricity and drinking water are still lacking. 
    The International Organization for Migration has announced, mid-last month, that about half of the Iraqis displaced by the fighting in the country against the organization of Dahed returned to their homes. 
    "The number of returnees to their homes since the start of the crisis in November 2014 was 2.75 million, compared with 2.88 million who are still displaced," the organization said.
    While the Iraqi Ministry of Immigration said last month that nearly five million Iraqis displaced after 2014, confirming the return of more than 45% of them to their liberated areas.

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