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    Economic parliamentary calling on the government to send the budget to parliament

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Location : San Antonio

     Economic parliamentary calling on the government to send the budget to parliament Empty Economic parliamentary calling on the government to send the budget to parliament

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:05 pm

    Economic parliamentary calling on the government to send the budget to parliament

    11/18/2013 | (Voice of Iraq) -

    (Special) ... Demanded the Economic Commission representative, the Council of Ministers to speed up sending federal budget to the House of Representatives for approval.

    explained the Commission's decision Kurdistan Alliance MP Mahma Khalil in a statement to the Central Council of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (, said on Monday that as president of the Economic Commission agency, today's students , the federal government to expedite the Send a budget that compromise, pointing out that the government's desire to send the budget is a consensus in order not to be passed.

    added MP Khalil that the differences between the provincial government and the federal government on the budget does not differ from previous years, pointing out that the Commission wishes absence differences between Arbil and Baghdad on the terms and paragraphs of the budget, stressing the need to send budget bill to the House of Representatives to discuss and resolve any problems about it for approval, especially since the Council before maturity constitutional and electoral, and requires sending the budget to have the time to exercise its constitutional role.

    This is due to discuss Council of Ministers in its meeting to be held on Tuesday, the draft budget and to approve it and send it to the House of Representatives for approval. PUKcc

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