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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Legal: Federal Court will adopt the names of deputies in the interpretation of the largest bloc

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Legal: Federal Court will adopt the names of deputies in the interpretation of the largest bloc Empty Legal: Federal Court will adopt the names of deputies in the interpretation of the largest bloc

    Post by Rocky Tue 04 Sep 2018, 2:15 am

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    Legal: Federal Court will adopt the names of deputies in the interpretation of the largest bloc

     The legal expert Ali al-Rafi'i, that the Iraqi constitution or the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives did not go much in detail the definition of the largest bloc, adding that "the Constitution stated only that the largest bloc number is the cost of forming a new government ."
    Al-Rafiii said in a press interview that "the Federal Court responds to the inquiry sent to it by asking the two competing parties to send a list of the names of the deputies and their signatures to resolve the dispute ."
    But the response of the Federal Court may not end the dispute over the formation of the new government, according to al-Rifai, who believes that the court will issue an opinion and not a decision, and therefore will not be binding on the parties to the dispute .
    He pointed out that the party affected by the opinion of the Federal Court to file a case to the same court in which a decision is required to issue a dispute and at that time the decision is binding and Bata and can not be challenged .
    It is noteworthy that the Federal Court issued in 2010 a resolution to resolve the dispute over the definition of the largest bloc that is entitled to form a government and stated at the time that the bloc that is formed within the parliament and not necessarily the winner in the elections,

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