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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The next prime minister will "live" - ​​"the worst days of his life". After Iran "outweighs" Washing

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    The next prime minister will "live" - ​​"the worst days of his life". After Iran "outweighs" Washing Empty The next prime minister will "live" - ​​"the worst days of his life". After Iran "outweighs" Washing

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Sep 2018, 6:09 am

    The next prime minister will "live" - ​​"the worst days of his life". After Iran "outweighs" Washington's plan?
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 11:08 AM (722 views)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]The next prime minister will "live" - ​​"the worst days of his life". After Iran "outweighs" Washington's plan?
    Follow-up / Sky Press

    A number of media outlets have suggested that the election of Mohammed al-Halbusi as the new speaker of the Iraqi parliament reflects an expansion of Iranian influence and a decline in US influence in Iraq.

    While others expected that the next prime minister will live between the wishes of Iran and America "the worst days of his life."

    Halabousi, backed by the Iranian-backed building block, won 169 votes to 89 votes for former defense minister Khalid al-Obeidi to win the post of speaker.

    But some media officials were more optimistic and called for the rapid formation of a national government "can overcome the failures of the past."

    "Iraq will live its next four years under a government that Tehran wants to run its own interests and Washington asks it not to meet this demand. The prime minister who will be living between these two requests is the worst of his life," says one Arab journalist.

    American attempts to change the Sunni or Kurdish compass from Halabusi to Abidi did not succeed, in a clear reference to the superiority of Iranian influence in Iraq over American influence.

    The pro-Iranian Iraqi media celebrated the victory of Halbusi in the elections of the Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, one of the three most important official sites in the country, "Iraqi politicians appeared loyal to the Iranian axis and they are talking about the nail of their candidate in this position."

    "American attempts to change the Sunni or Kurdish compass from Halabusi to al-Obeidi have not succeeded, in a clear reference to the superiority of Iranian influence in Iraq over American influence."

    "The citizen is looking forward to the next government's serious approach in seeking to approve its management of the promising plans whose programs can lead to contributing to improving the living and service conditions of all social segments," said Latif Abdel-Salem, Albeit at acceptable rates. "

    "The call to accelerate the formation of a national government can overcome the failures of the past, remains the hope expected by the local street to remove the effects of the woes that have ravaged the country and the people in the past period."

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